A few notes for those IG players, but (thankfully) not this time about tanks!
First off, Command Squad troopers are allowed to swop their lasgun for a laspistol and CCW
in the Codex army list - so don't go binning those models just yet! And I really doubt
than any opponent will mind you using the models until then, as the lasgun is really a
rather more sensible option for a Guardsman under the new rules.
Secondly, in the lists we've made heavy weapon squads 'task-specific' (i.e. anti-tank,
mortar, fire-support), partially to to show the 'monumental' and rigid approach of the IG,
partially to stop players 'maxing out' on any one type, and partially because in game
terms it is not a good thing to mix the different types of weapons in a single unit. We
will, however, include some notes about allowing the use of 'mixed up heavy weapon squads'
in Chapter Approved in WD, so that players who already have such units can use them. In
any case, I really doubt that an opponent will veto the use of such a unit, especially if
you explain that they were made for use with an old version of the army list.
Finally, just to work IG players into a frenzy of anticipation, here are some of the
things I'm planning to put in the IG Codex: hardened veteran squads (think Dirty Dozen,
and only one allowed per army), Penal Legion platoons, 'King' Russ varient, the return of
the Sabre (some of you old-timers will have to remind the new kids about that one), rules
for com-links and armoured reserves, and Commissars saving officers from the shame of
living with the knowledge of their failure...
Jervis Johnson
Games Workshop Ltd