Iyanden has suffered greatly in the past. In the years of the 41st millennium, they felt the tendrils of the Kraken. A large part of Hive Fleet Kraken assaulted Iyanden, nearly overrunning the craftworld. The craftworld was not lost, but the lives of many of its people were. The souls of many warriors were added to the Infinity Circuit, but many of these warriors fight on past death - they fight on as the Ghost Warriors of Iyanden. Even the dead Warlocks would not remain still in dead, and fought on as Spirit Walkers, their spirit stone emplaced in a Wraithlord's metal body.
Squad: The squad consists of 3-5 models.Weapons: Two power weapons (+1A included in profile), Lasdestroyer (Range 24", S4, AP5, Assault 2).
Weapons: Two Dreadnought close combat weapons. Each fist also incorporates a shuriken catapult or flamer. Note that the Spirit Walker's profile already includes the extra Attack for having two close combat weapons. Options: The Spirit Walker may be armed with one of the following heavy weapons: shuriken cannon +25 points, scatter laser +30 points, missile launcher +35 points, lascannon +45 points, plasma cannon +45 points, D-Cannon +45 points. The Spirit Walker may replace one of its Dreadnought close combat weapons with one of the above heavy weapons. If you choose to do this, reduce the Spirit Walker's cost to 100 points and its Attacks characteristic to 2, and add the appropriate cost for the heavy weapon.
If you wish to run an Iyanden army, use the following structure:
Fast Attack:
Heavy Support: