Rhinos are ok. Even better when they have the BA's "Overcharged Engines". But even though the Imperium has limited access to anti grav technology (unlike the Eldar) I'm sure the Adeptus Mechanicus would beable to create a Rhino sized transport. After all the 20th Century has Blackhawks supported by Apaches or if you like Pumas' supported byLynxs'. Its not hard to picture an transport sized 'speeder flanked bya pair of Landspeeder Tornadoes hugging the contours of a planetdelivering a marines squad to a location deep within an enemiesdeployment zone.
Therefore for your delight and delictation I give you the HORNET.Modelwise its based on a Rhino body, utilizing scratchbuilt rear enginepods a top turret derived from a Dreadnought weapons arm. Chin mountedweapons based on those of the SM Tank side sponsons and Cyclone missile launchers from the Termie models.
STC - SK 4432REPORTING NAME - HORNETThe Hornet is power by two Gravtech Repulsor units as found in the common STC Landspeeder. It is also equipped with a single Gravtech Ion Booster for non-atmospheric operations. The Hornet is based around the common STC crew compartment of the Rhino tracked transport crewed by two Space Marines, one Pilot/Forward Gunner and a Loadmaster/Turret Gunner. On certain occasions there is a third crewmember to take over the dedicated task of operating the dorsal turret certain operations. Its primary mission is as a rapid inter atmosphere troop carrier where stealth is required and/or a Thunderhawk cannot operate. Ingressing to a target only a few metres above the ground from extreme range it has a lower target cross-section than that of a Thunderhawk. Its speed and performance make it ideal to be escorted by Landspeeders and often works in conjunction with a pair of Landspeeder variants. As well as delivering troops deep within enemy lines the Hornet has a number of offensive weapons. It can be configured as a support platform for assaulting troops or as an anti-tank vehicle. Standard weapons fit is a turret mounted Assault cannon, a chin mounted Heavy Flamer/Bolter and grenade launchers. The Hornet can also be equipped with a door mounted Assault Cannon operated by the Loadmaster to provide covering fire to troops in an LZ.
Points Cost: 100pts (Standard Configuration, no weapons) Squadron: 1 Hornet per 2000 pts of SM army. Operates alone or with 1 or 2 Landspeeder variants in support. Type: Fast, Skimmer Crew: 2 to 3 Space Marines in Power Armour. Accomodation: 10 Space Marines/Scouts or 5 Assault Marines with Jump packs or 5 Terminators. Options: Turret mounted weapons: Twin Linked Laser Cannon +40 pts, Assault Cannon +15 pts, Multi Melta +15 pts Chin Mounted Weapons: Heavy Flamer +10 pts, Heavy Bolter +10pts, Multi Melta +15 pts +15pts Assault Cannon, Cyclone Missile launcher (Frag/Krak)+10 pts. Grenade Launchers (Smoke/Frag) +5 pts. Doorway mounted assault Cannon +15 pts. |
+++Chris Cook's Hornet+++