Points/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Bike Squad 125 3 3 3 3(4) 1 3 1 7 5+
Veteran Sergeant +10 3 3 3 3(4) 1 3 2 8 5+

Some squads are trained as bike squads to allow greater mobility for recon and flank attacks. This has also helped to make the Blitzkrieg tactics of the Imperial Guard more effective.

Squad: A squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Guardsmen.

Weapons: Each bike is fitted with twin-linlked bolters.  Each Imperial Guard biker is armed with a laspistol and close combat weapon.

Options: Up to two Guardsmen in the squad may be armed with one of the following weapons: flamer at +3 points; meltagun at +10 points; plasma gun at +6 points.  One Guardsman may have a comm-link for +5 pts.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant for an additional cost of +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.



Use the Rough Riders rules presented in Codex: Imperial Guard.


Blood Standard: Sisterhood members carry a special standard into battle called the Blood Standard, this is a standard that has been dipped in the blood of the Helvetians' fallen comrades. This standard can be given to any or all Lancer or Knight squads for a cost of 10 points per squad. Any squad carrying the Blood Standard into battle may add +1 to their hand to hand combat score.


  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Sisterhood Knights 120 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 4+
Veteran Sergeant +10 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Helvetian Beast Hunter squads are specially trained to hunt the many wild beasts of the planet and to protect outlying settlements.  They are expert trackers and infiltrators, able to move through even the worst terrain in pursuit of their prey.

Squad: A squad consists of a Sergeant and four Knights.

Weapons: Hunting lance, laspistol, chainsword and Frag grenades.

Wargear: One model can have a comm-link at +10 pts.

Character: The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at +10 points.  A Veteran Sergeant may choose extra equipment from the Armoury.


Hardened Veterans: Sisterhood Knights have seen many battles.  They may attempt to rally even if they fall under 50%, and take no penalties for being under 50%.

Blood Standard: Sisterhood members carry a special standard into battle called the Blood Standard, this is a standard that has been dipped in the blood of the Helvetians' fallen comrades. This standard can be given to any or all Lancer or Knight squads for a cost of 10 points per squad. Any squad carrying the Blood Standard into battle may add +1 to their hand to hand combat score.

Rough Riders.  Sisterhood Knights are Rough Riders and follow all rules presented for Rough Riders in Codex Imperial Guard.




See Codex: Imperial Guard



See Codex: Imperial Guard



See Imperial Armour

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