Haran Tor, Bloody Falcon Pheonix Lord40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman You've problably seen many home grown versions of Pheonix Lord on the net, but alot of them are interpretations of the lost Warp Spider Pheonix Lord. I really don't have any interesting ideas for a Warp Spider Lord, but I made up one for an Aspect of my own design, the Bloody Falcons. Haran Tor is one of the more mysterious and rarely seen Pheonix Lrods, partly becuase his shrine is a rare one. He dissapears for centuries, and re-appears to help his children. When Exarchs that don other Phenoix Lord's armour to let them live onm they can often expect centuries of life. But, anyone who dares take on the armour of the greatest of the Bloody Falcons cannnot expect such livelyhood. For Haran Tor always takes on the role of a ultra-determined avenger, always diving into the thick of battle with no thoughts for self-presevation. Still, it is considered the greatest honour an Exarch of the Bloody Falcon shrine could achieve. Haran Tor was originally from the Craftworld of Net'tol, an small world which orbited Khl'ra. But in a large Chaos raid, all but destroyed, and he is the sole survivor of the origanal Warhost that resided there. He is a bloodthirsty and violent warrior, loyal to the last and ever vengeful of those who would betray him. Soe say his name means 'He who does not forget" in some forgtten runic tongue which was abandoned shortly after the fall.
Wargear: Power Axe, Shuriken Vambrace, Bloody Falcon Jump Jets. Special Immune to Psychology: Haran Tor is completely Immune to Psychology, and never has to take a break test. Exarch Warrior Powers: Haran has the Exarch Warrior powers War Shout, Fighting Fury, and Crushing Blow. Campaign Rules: If Haran Tor is part of a campaign then in the second game he participates in, he will hate all characters that killed any Eldar Bloody Falcon Aspect Warriors or Exarchs. This means that he will always hit them on a 3+ in close combat, regardless of WS.
Wargear The Shuriken Vambrace