Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Director 65 5 4 3 4 3 4 3 10 4+
Executive 40 4 3 3 4 2 3 2 10 4+

Options: The Guildmaster can be armed with any equipment allowed by the Guild Armoury.


Independent Character: The Guildmaster is an independent character and follows independent character rules.

Retinue: The Guildmaster may be accompanied by a retinue of his finest warriors including a choice of either Exo-Guildmen or standard Guildmen. This retinue may also have a Techno-Kreep to accompany it.




  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Techno-Kreep 50 4 4 4 4 2 1 5 10 3+

Number: You may include between 1 and 3 techno-kreeps.

Options: The Techno-Kreep can take any Techno-Kreep only wargear.


Independent Character: The Techno-Kreep is an independent character and follows independent character rules.

Retinue: The Techno-Kreep may accompany a Guildmasters personal retinue

Fearless: A Techno-Kreep is fearless.

Not Fat of Foot: A Techno-Kreep has had his legs replaced by a hovering bionic mass of wires and electronic bits that wrap around his body and enter every orifice. He does not suffer from fleet of foot.

Techno Force: The Techno-Kreep has his mind replaced by a computer and as a result can generate electrical fields. Once per turn he may cast Force Dome as if it were a psychic power. Place the ordnance blast on the table, anyone within that area cannot move out or shoot out nor may anyone else move in or shoot in.

Creepy: All units including Guildsmen, get –1 Ld anytime they are within 3” of a Techno-Kreep. (No the Techno-Kreep himself is not affected!)

Infra-red: A Techno-Kreep can see in infra red and therefore enemies do not get cover saves from a Techno-Kreep shots.




  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Exo-Guildmen 40 5 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 2+
Captain +15 5 3 3 4 1 3 2 10 2+
Guildmen 10 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 9 4+

Number: You may include between 5 and 10 Guildmen (standard or Exo)

Weapons: The Guildmen are armed with a Nail Gun, Exo-Guildmen are armed with a Black Hammer and a Smog Throwers attached to the back of their right armoured fist.

Options: Up to two Guildmen can be armed with a Thud Rifle for +5pts. Up to two Exo-Guildmen can trade their Smog Throwers for a Graviton Gun for +10pts.

Character: If the Retinue consists of five or more Exo-Guildmen then one may be an Exo-Guildman Captain who can be given any weapons from the Guild list.

Armadillo/Termite: If the Retinue numbers Ten models or less then they may be mounted on an Armadillo for +55 points or a Termite for +85 points.

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