
Terminator Squad

The Grey Legion has a fair number of Terminator Armored suits: very heavy and bulky powered suits with built in weaponry. Only the most experienced and battle hardened veterans are allowed to take this equipment into the field as repair or replacement is costly and time consuming.

Troop Type Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Terminator 42 4 5 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+

Squad: The Terminator Squad consists of a Terminator Sergeant and between four and nine Teminators. The +1 Attack bonus for having Terminator Honors and the Terminator Armor's 2+ save have already been included in the characteristics above.

Weapons: The Sergeant is equipped with a power sword and storm bolter. The Terminators are armed with power fists and storm bolters.

Options: Any model may replace its power fist with a chainfist for +5 points. Up to two models may be armed with one of the following weapons: assault cannon at +20 pts; heavy flamer at +10 pts; Cyclone missile launcher at +20 pts. The Cyclone missile launcher replaces the model's power fist, and the other weapons replace its storm bolter.

The Sergeant may have additional equipment from the Grey Legion Armory.


Deep Strike: Space Marine models with Terminator Armor may Deep Strike. See the Terminator Armor rules in the Wargear section.


Terminator Assault Squad

The Grey Legion has a fair number of Terminator Armored suits: very heavy and bulky powered suits with built in weaponry. Only the most experienced and battle hardened veterans are allowed to take this equipment into the field as repair or replacement is costly and time consuming.

Troop Type Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Terminator 42 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+

Squad: The Terminator Assault Squad consists of a Sergeant and between four and nine Teminators. The +1 Attack bonus for having Terminator Honors and the Terminator armor's 2+ save have already been included in the characteristics above.

Weapons: The Sergeant is equipped with a power sword and storm bolter. All other models in the Squad are armed with either a pair of lightning claws or a thunder hammer and storm shield.

Options: Any number of Terminators may swap their close combat weapons for a stormbolter and power fist at no additional cost. The power fist may be upgraded to a chainfist at +5 points.

The Sergeant may have additional equipment from the Grey Legion Armory.


Deep Strike: Space Marine models with Terminator armor may Deep Strike. See the Terminator Armor rules in the Wargear section.


0-1 Dreadnought

As of yet the Grey Legion have only 1 Dreadnought.  This means that you can only have one Dreadnought in any Grey Legion army, no matter how many task forces you use.

Troop Type








Dreadnought 75 4 4 6(10) 12 12 10 4 2

Type: Walker

Crew: One Space Marine

Weapons: The Dreadnought's left arm is equipped with a Dreadnought close combat weapon that has a built-in stormbolter. The Dreadnought's right arm is equipped with one weapons from the following list: assault cannon at +30 pts; twin-linked lascannon at +50 pts; twin-linked heavy bolter at +30 pts; multi-melta at +40 pts; plasma cannon at +40 pts; twin-linked autocannon at +35 pts.

Options: The Dreadnought may be equipped with any of the following vehicle upgrades for the cost listed in the Grey Legion Armory: extra Armor, searchlight or smoke launchers. No upgrade may be chosen more than once per Dreadnought.

The storm bolter may be upgraded to a heavy flamer at an additional cost of +10 points.

The Dreadnought's close combat weapon arm can be upgraded to a missile launcher at an additional cost of +10 pts.


Veteran Scouts

Grey Legion Veteran Scouts were the original scouts of the chapter when it was first exiled. These Marines-in-training were never promoted to fill the ranks of regular companies and so extend the sentence. Rather than fill in the company ranks with clone scouts it was decided to leave the original men in place as scouts and to promote natural-born replacements instead. These scouts have spent many years in the fields of battle and have become just as deadly as any other Marine.

Troop Type Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Veteran Scout 18 4 4 4 4 1 5 1 9 4+
Veteran Scout Sergeant +15 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 9 4+

Squad: The Veteran Scouts Squad consists of between four and nine Veteran Scouts and a Veteran Scout Sergeant.

Weapons: Bolt pistol, close combat weapon, And Frag grenades.

Options: Any model in the squad may replace their bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a sniper rifle at +5 points, or a bolter or shotgun at no additional points cost.

One of the Veteran Scouts may can have one of the following: heavy bolter at +15 pts; autocannon at +20 pts; missile launcher at +20 pts.

Up to two of the Marines in the Squad may be armed with plasma pistols at +5 points each.

The entire Squad may have krak grenades at an additional cost of +2 pts per model.

One of the Scouts may be upgraded to a Veteran Sergeant at an additional cost of +13 points.

If the squad already has a Veteran Sergeant then the rest of the squad may be given terminator Honors at +10 pts. per model.


Infiltrators: In the right circumstances Scouts can work their way into a forward position on the battlefield. To represent this they may set up using the Infiltrators rule, but only if the mission allows Infiltrators. If it does not then they set up normally with the rest of the army.

Move Through Cover: Scouts roll an extra D6 when rolling to move through difficult terrain. In most cases this will mean that they roll 3D6 and pick the dice with the highest score.


Special Weapons Squad

Troop Type Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Space Marine 20 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+
Deacon +15 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+

Squad: The Special Weapons Squad always consists of four Marines and a Sergeant. The Sergeant may be upgraded to a Deacon at the points listed.

Weapons: Bolters. The Sergeant may replace his bolter with a bolt pistol and close combat weapon at no extra cost. A Deacon may have additional wargear from the wargear lists with the option of a crozius arcanum AND a rosarius for +30 pts.

Options: Up to four of the Marines in the Squad can have: flamer at +3 pts; plasma gun at +6 pts; meltagun at +10. The entire squad may be given terminator honors at an additional cost of 50 pts. and/or purity seals for +10 pts.

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