Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
RilAngaur 13 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Fiann Lord/Exarch 27 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The RilAngaur wear bronze armour, and fight with their deadly disruptor rifles.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 RilAngaur.

Weapons: Disruptor rifle.

Character:  The RilAngaur squad may be joined by an Exarch at an additional cost of 27 points.  The Exarch is armed with a disruptor rifle.  The Exarch may exchange his disruptor rifle for a disruptor pistol and power weapon for +4 points.

Weapon Range S AP Type Points
Disruptor pistol 12" 4 4 Pistol 2
Disruptor rifle 24" 4 4 Assault 1 3

Wave Serpent:  The squad may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section). 



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
OteshKaran 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Fiann Lord/Exarch 30 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The OteshKaran wear cloaks of ever-changing colour that gives them the ability to hide in even the scantest of cover.  It is said that even the shadow of a pin is enough for the OteshKaran.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 OteshKaran.

Weapons: Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon.

Character:  The OteshKaran squad may be joined by an Exarch at an additional cost of 30 points.  The Exarch is armed with a shuriken pistol and close combat weapon.  The Exarch may be given a power weapon for +4 points.

Wave Serpent:  The squad may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section).


Shadow Armour:   The special chameleon-like qualities of their Shadow Armour allow the OteshKaran to blend into the background, even when standing in open terrain.   OteshKaran always count as being in cover, giving them a 5+ saving throw against most attacks.   This counts in assaults as well, so unless the attackers are armed with frag grenades the OteshKaran will strike first.  If attacked by something that ignores cover then their normal armour save of 5+ applies.

Infiltrators: When it comes to moving silently and unseen OteshKaran are without equal, and in the right circumstances they have the ability to work their way into a forward position on the battlefield.  To represent this they may set up using the Infiltrators rule.



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Solas Sidhe 21 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Fiann Lord/Exarch 32 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The Solas Sidhe are heavily armoured and employ deadly bratha-solas.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 Solas Sidhe.

Weapons: Bratha-solas and shuriken pistol.

Character:  The Solas Sidhe squad may be joined by an Exarch at an additional cost of 32 points.  The Exarch is armed with a bratha-solas, shuriken pistol and close combat weapon.  The Exarch may be given a power weapon for +4 points.

Wave Serpent:  The squad may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section).



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Yamazai 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Fiann Lord/Exarch 32 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The Yamazai are mobile and lethal hand to hand fighters.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 Yamazai.

Weapons: Power sword and shuriken pistol.

Character:  The Yamazai squad may be joined by an Exarch at an additional cost of 32 points.  The Exarch is armed with a   shuriken pistol and power weapon.

Wave Serpent:  The squad may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section).


Yamazai Masks:  A model equipped with a Yamazai mask always strikes first in hand to hand combat in the first round of any combat, regardless of Initiative or other factors.   This applies even if they are not in base contact with the enemy.  If the combat lasts more than one round then the Yamazai Mask has no effect in subsequent rounds.



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Marbh-fionn 18 4 4 3(4) 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Fiann Lord/Exarch 30 5 5 3(4) 3 1 6 2 9 3+

The Marbh-fionn are heavily equipped hand to hand fighters. This unit of the Fiann wear bone white armour.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 Marbh-fionn.

Weapons: Close combat weapon, mandiblasters (+1S in hand-to-hand - included in profile), and shuriken pistol.

Character:  The Marbh-fionn squad may be joined by an Exarch at an additional cost of 30 points.  The Exarch is armed with a shuriken pistol, mandiblasters, and close combat weapon.  The Exarch may be given a power weapon for +4 points.

Wave Serpent:  The squad may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section).



  Points/Squad WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Carreciann 40 4 4 5 5 1 4 1 10 3+

The Carreciann are robotic devices animated by the power of an Eldar spirit stone. They are drawn from the Craftworld's infinity circuits ready to do battle alongside the living.

Squad: The squad consists of 5-10 Carreciann.

Weapons: Wraithcannon (Range 12", S8, AP1, Assault 1, uses meltagun special rules).

Character:  The Carrecian may be joined by a Draoi Acolyte from the Draoi's retinue.  See the Draoi entry in the HQ section of the army list.

Transport:  If there are 5 Carreciann and up to 1 Warlock in the squad, it may be mounted in a Wave Serpent (see the Wave Serpent entry at the end of the Troops section).  Note that each Carreciann takes up the place of two normal sized figures.

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© 1999 Thomas Setzer