Towards the center of Asaheim there is a range of mountains taller than any others on the planet of Fenris. The tallest peak of all lies in the very middle of the range and rises like a single gnarled tooth above the surrounding mountains. This peak, and the Space Marine fortress that is built upon it, is called The Fang. The Fang is many times as high as the mountains around it, so that it stands alone as a citadel hewn from the rock. Like a dagger driven into the belly of the sky, The Fang pierces the atmosphere of Fenris.
The fortress of The Fang is clad in armour of immense thickness and strength and is cloaked by void shields more powerful than those found on even the most mighty of the Emperor's warships. Outside Earth, The Fang is said to be the greatest fortress in the human galaxy. Dark shafts cut miles into the mountainside, concealing laser cannons which are capable of crushing the most heavily armoured spacecraft. These huge weapons are as ancient as the Space Wolves Chapter itself, and the thermal reactors that power them are testament to the precious technology from the distant past. Upon the tip of The Fang is the Space Wolves' fleet dock, where hundreds of spacecraft are maintained in armoured hangars inside the mountain. From here the Space Wolves journey to distant battlefields throughout the galaxy.