Points WS BS S T W I A LD Sv
Thousand Sons Marine 23 4 4 4 4 2 4 1 9 3+

Squad:  A Thousand Sons Marine squad consists of between five and ten Thousand Sons Space Marines.

Weapons:  Bolter.

Options:  Up to one Thousand Sons Space Marine may have one of the following:  missile launcher at +10 pts, autocannon at +10 pts, heavy bolter at +5 pts or lascannon at +15 pts.  One other Thousand Sons Space Marine may have one of the following:  meltagun at +10 pts, flamer at + 3 pts or plasma gun at +6 pts.

Rhino:  The entire squad may be mounted in a Rhino armoured carrier at an additional cost of +50 pts.


Fearless:   Thousand Sons never fall back and cannot be pinned.  They are assumed to automatically pass any Morale check.

All Is Dust:  Thousand Sons are, for all intents and purposes, animated suits of power armour that have to be blown to pieces or hacked apart in order to disable them.  Because of this only shooting attacks that have a strength of 5 or more will affect a Thousand Sons Space Marine.  Note that they can be attacked in close combat normally.

Slow and Purposeful:  Thousand Sons advance in a methodical manner, laying down a constant hail of fire with their bolters.  To represent this they may never charge into close combat (though they may defend normally), but always count as being stationary when they fire their bolters, even if they moved in the same turn.

Vendetta Against Space Wolves:  Thousand Sons hate Space Wolves for what they did on Prospero.  They become even more determined when fighting against Space Wolves.  Thousand Sons always hit SW in close combat on a 3+, regardless of weapon skill.

Sacred Number of Tzeentch: If the Thousand Sons army attempts to bring a Greater Daemon into the battle through Daemonic Possession, at the start of the assault phase, before rolling to see if any characters are possessed, roll a D6 for each squad with this rule that has exactly nine models. If you roll a four or more then one of the Thousand Sons is possessed by the Greater Daemon. You can decide which model to replace.



  Points WS BS S T W I A LD Sv
Pink Horrors 15 5 0 4 3 1 4 2 10 -
Blue Horrors - 3 0 3 3 1 4 1 10 -

Pack:  Daemon packs of Tzeentch consist of between five and ten Pink Horrors.


Summoned:   Daemons are summoned onto the battlefield as described in the special rules in Codex:  Chaos Space Marines.

Split:  When a Pink Horror sustains a wound it is not slain but automatically divides into two Blue Horrors.  Remove the model and replace it with two Blue Horror Models.  These continue to fight on in place of the original Pink Horror until they receive a wound and are removed.


Certain Thousand Sons squads use Rhinos to move rapidly across a battlefield.  The vehicle does not count as part of a squad or use up any choices on the force organisation chart.
See the Chaos Rhino entry in Codex:  Chaos Space Marines for stats and rules.



  Points WS BS S T W I A LD Sv
Cultist 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 5 -
Acolyte +9 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 6 -

Coven: A Cult of Tzeentch coven consists of between five and twenty Cultists.

Weapons: Autogun or Autopistol & Close Combat Weapon.

Options: Up to one Cultist may have one of the following: missile launcher at +10 pts, autocannon at +10 pts, heavy bolter at +5 pts, lascannon at +15 pts, meltagun at +10pts, flamer at +3 pts, plasma gun at +6 pts or a plasma pistol at +5 pts.

The entire coven may be equipped with frag grenades at +1 pt per model.

One of the Cultists may be upgraded to an Acolyte for 9 pts. The Acolyte has a Mark of Tzeentch. The Acolyte may have any equipment allowed from the Thousand Sons Armoury. Also note that the Acolyte may take an Autopistol as a Single Handed Weapon at +1 pt and/or an Autogun as a Two-handed Weapon at +1 pt.

Rhino: A Coven numbering ten or less models may be mounted in a Rhino armoured carrier at an additional cost of +50 pts.


Poorly Equipped: A Cult of Tzeentch Acolyte does not have access to the equipment available to most soldiers. Because of this he may only have up to 50 pts or Wargear and Gifts instead of the usual 100 pts.

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