Warrior Squad

Dark Eldar Warriors operate in large squads, wearing down an opponent from long range with their splinter rifles and then closing in for the kill once the enemy has been reduced in strength and can be easily dealt with.

  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Dark Eldar

8 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+

Dark Knight

+6 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 5+

Squad: A squad consists of between 5 and 20 models.

Weapons: Splinter Rifle.

Options: A Dark Eldar Warrior squad may have frag grenades at +1 points per model and/or krak grenades at +2 points per model.

Up to one model in the squad may be armed with a shredder at +10 points.

Up to two models in the squad may be armed with either a lascannon at +20 points or a splinter cannon at +10 points.

Character: One of the squad members may be upgraded to a Dark Knight at an additional cost of +6 points.  He may be armed with a splinter rifle or a splinter pistol and close combat weapon.  The Dark Knight may be given one choice from the Dark Eldar Weapons List.

Raider: If the squad numbers ten models or less then they maybe mounted on a Raider at an additional cost of +35 points.

Ainnfel Squad

Dark Eldar Ainnfel operate in large squads, closing in for the kill once the enemy has been reduced in strength by the Warrior Squads' splinter rifle fire and can be easily dealt with.

  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Dark Eldar

8 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+

Dark Knight

+6 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 5+

Squad: A squad consists of between 5 and 20 models.

Weapons: Splinter pistol and Close Combat Weapon.

Options: A Dark Eldar Ainnfel squad may have frag grenades at +1 points per model and/or krak grenades at +2 points per model.

Up to one model in the squad may be armed with a shredder at +10 points.

Character: One of the squad members may be upgraded to a Dark Knight at an additional cost of +10 points.  The Dark Knight may be given one choice from the Dark Eldar Weapons List.

Raider: If the squad numbers ten models or less then they maybe mounted on a Raider at an additional cost of +35 points.

0-1 Dras Siar

These are the searchers in the shadows, the Scouts of the Dark Eldar.

  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Dras Siar

15 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+

Dras Siar Knight

+6 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 8 5+

Squad: A squad consists of 5 and 10 Dras Siar.

Weapons: Splinter pistol and close combat weapon.


Shadow-skinned: The special chameleon-like qualities of the Dras Siar allow them to blend into the background, even when standing in open terrain.   Dras Siar always count as being in cover, giving them a 5+ saving throw against most attacks.  This counts in assaults as well, so unless the attackers are armed with frag grenades the Dras Siar will strike first.  If attacked by something that ignores cover then their normal armour save of 5+ applies.

Infiltrators: When it comes to moving silently and unseen Dras Siar are beyond compare, and in the right circumstances they have the ability to work their way into a forward position on the battlefield.  To represent this they may set up using the Infiltrators rule.


Transport: RAIDER

  Points Front Armour Side Armour Rear Armour BS
Raider 55 10 10 10 4

Type: Fast, Skimmer, Open-topped.

Crew: Dark Eldar Warriors.

Weapons: The Raider is armed with a lascannon.

Options: The lascannon may be upgraded to a plasma cannon for no additional points cost.

Transport: The Raider may transport up to ten Dark Eldar.

Back to Codex: Dark Eldar.

(c) Thomas Setzer 1998