2000 Pt. Dark Eldar Army

Unit Name ## WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Armor Cost
Maldroui (Archn) 1 6 6 3 3 3 7 3/4 9 5/2(I)+ 376
Independent Character. Fleet of Foot.
Splinter Pistol
  Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
  Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
  Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
  Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
  Shadow Field 2+ invulnerable save. If save is failed, field is destroyed. [25]
  Trophy Rack +1Ld after model slays an opponent in combat. [5]
  Incubi Retinue 4 5 4 3/4* 3 1 5 1/2* 8 3+ [252]
If the Retinue is made up of Warriors, it can use the Fleet of foot rules.
Torm. Hl. & Punisher (x4)
    Additional Warriors 2 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ [36]
Fleet of Foot.
Splinter Cannon (x2)
    OtTokath (IncMs) 1 5 4 3/4 3 1 6 2/3 9 3+ [56]
Torm. Hl. & Punisher
      Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
      Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
      Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
      Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
    Raider 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 [60]
Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped.
Disintegrator (x1)
Haemonculi 1 4 4 3 4 2 4 2/3 8 5+ 158
Independent Characters. Fleet of Foot.
  Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
  Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
  Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
  Haemonculi #1 1 4 4 3 4 2 4 2/3 8 5+ [56]
Independent Characters. Fleet of Foot.
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
    Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
    Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
  Haemonculi #2 1 4 4 3 4 2 4 2/3 8 5+ [56]
Independent Characters. Fleet of Foot.
    Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
    Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
Mandrakes 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1/2 8 5+ 75
Always in cover. Special deployement: At the start of battle, deploy 3 mandrake models anywhere you're allowed to. The real squad can be revealed at the start of any phase in your turn- until then, it may not be shot, assaulted, etc. The models can move 6" every turn, and do not block line of sight, etc. Once revealed, deploy the rest of the squad within 4" a model of your choice. Remove the other two. Fleet of Foot.
Splinter P. & CCW
Mandrakes 5 4 4 3 3 1 5 1/2 8 5+ 75
Always in cover. Special deployement: At the start of battle, deploy 3 mandrake models anywhere you're allowed to. The real squad can be revealed at the start of any phase in your turn- until then, it may not be shot, assaulted, etc. The models can move 6" every turn, and do not block line of sight, etc. Once revealed, deploy the rest of the squad within 4" a model of your choice. Remove the other two. Fleet of Foot.
Splinter P. & CCW
Wyches 9 4 4 3 3 1 6 1/2* 8 6+ 225
Combat drugs: Roll at start of battle: 1- 12" assault, 3d6" pursue / fall back, 2- +1WS, 3: +1S, 4: Always strikes first, 5: Re-roll CC misses, 6: +1A. Fleet of Foot.
Plasma Grenades
Splinter P. & CCW (x4)
Blaster (x2)
Hydraknives (x1)
Razorsnr. & Falchion (x1)
Shardnet & Impaler (x1)
  Succubus 1 4 4 3 3 1 6 2/3 8 6+ [52]
Splinter Pistol
    Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
    Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
    Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
    Trophy Rack +1Ld after model slays an opponent in combat. [5]
  Raider 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 [55]
Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped.
Dark Lance (x1)
Warriors 16 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 158
Fleet of foot.
Splinter Rifle (x12)
Dark Lance (x2)
Blaster (x2)
Raider Squad 9 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 169
Fleet of foot.
Splinter Rifle (x7)
Splinter Cannon (x1)
Shredder (x1)
  Erathcait (Sybar) 1 4 4 3 3 1 5 2/3 8 5+ [22]
Splinter P. & CCW
    Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
    Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
  Raider 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 [55]
Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped.
Dark Lance (x1)
Raider Squad 9 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 169
Fleet of foot.
Splinter Rifle (x7)
Splinter Cannon (x1)
Shredder (x1)
  Erathcait (Sybar) 1 4 4 3 3 1 5 2/3 8 5+ [22]
Splinter P. & CCW
    Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
    Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat. [2]
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
  Raider 1 - 4 - - - - - - 10/10/10 [55]
Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped.
Dark Lance (x1)
Reaver Jetbikes 4 4 4 4 4 1 6 1 8 4+ 217
Combat drugs: Roll at start of battle: 1- Ignore fall back results, always sweeping advance, never consolidate, 2- +1WS, 3: +1S, 4: Always strikes first, 5: Re-roll CC misses, 6: +1A. Move 12". Alternatively, move 24"- save becomes Invulnerable, no shooting. Splinter Rifle / Special Weapons are Bike Mounted.
Splinter Pistol
Splinter Rifle (x2)
Blaster (x2)
  Succubus 1 4 4 3/4 3/4 1 6 2/3 8 4+ [77]
Splinter Pistol
Splinter Rifle
    Reaver Jetbike Move 12". Alternatively, move 24"- save becomes Invulnerable, no shooting. Rider may only use 1 single-handed weapon at a time, no double-handed weapons. [0]
    Haywire Grenades As Krak grenades, but 1 = no effect, 2-5 = glancing hit, 6 = penetrating hit. [4]
    Hell Mask Every CC opponent hits on a 6 unless they pass a Ld test. [5]
    Gruesome Talisman Counts as two models for outnumbering purposes. [2]
Hellions 5 4 4 3 3 1 6 1 8 5+ 80
Combat drugs: Roll at start of battle: 1- Ignore fall back results, always sweeping advance, never consolidate, 2- +1WS, 3: +1S, 4: Always strikes first, 5: Re-roll CC misses, 6: +1A. If model starts or ends in difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 6 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6".
Hellglaive (x5)
Scourges 7 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 8 5+ 192
Move 12". Can always deep strike, even if not allowed by the scenario. If model starts or ends in difficult terrain, roll a D6- on a 6 it crashes and is removed. Flee & pursue 3d6".
Splinter Rifle (x3)
Splinter Cannon (x4)
Ravager 1 - 4 - - - - - - 11/11/10 105
Skimmer, Fast, Open-topped.
Dark Lance (x3)
Option Footnotes:
  Blaster 12"R, S8, AP2, Assault 1. Treats armour > 12 as 12.  
  Close Combat Weapon +1A if used with another Pistol or Close Combat Weapon.  
  Dark Lance 36"R, S8, AP2, Heavy 1. Treats armour > 12 as 12.  
  Disintegrator (36"R, S7, AP2, Heavy 1 Blast) OR (24"R, S4, AP3, Heavy 3).  
  Falchion +1A if used with another Pistol or Close Combat Weapon.  
  Hellglaive (24"R, S3, AP5, Rapid Fire) OR (+1S if charging).  
  Hydraknives +1 Attacks. Always strikes last, unless negated by Combat Drugs. Doubles attacks, after all modifiers have been applied.  
  Impaler Always strike first in the first round of combat.  
  Punisher +1S. No armour save in close combat.  
  Razorsnare Opponents fighting the Wych may not use their +1A for two CC Weapons. Wych may pull a model up to 2" into base to base contact.  
  Shardnet Opponents are at -1 to hit.  
  Shredder 12"R, S6, Assault 1 Blast.  
  Splinter Cannon 24"R, S4, AP5, Assault 4.  
  Splinter Pistol 12"R, S3, AP5, Pistol.  
  Splinter Rifle 24"R, S3, AP5, Rapid Fire.  
  Tormentor Helm 12" R, S3, AP5, Pistol. Head mounted (!).  
  Plasma Grenades Negates effects of cover in combat.  
  Agoniser Wounds on 4+. No armour save. Vehicles hit glance on a 6.  
  Destructor Template, S4, AP(D6), Assault 1.  
  Scissorhand Always wounds on 2+.  
  Stinger 12"R, AP6, Assault 1. Always wounds on 2+. If wounded, the victim explodes with S=T, AP=Save. S1 against vehicles.  
Total Army Cost: 1999 Pts.
Models in Army: 89

Validation Results:
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Troop Type Count Points Unused Percent
HQ (1 - 2) 2 534 n/a 26%
Elite (0 - 3) 3 375 n/a 18%
Troops (2 - 6) 3 496 n/a 24%
Fst. Atck. (0 - 3) 2 297 n/a 14%
Hvy. Supp. (0 - 3) 2 297 n/a 14%
Equipment Summary 33 130 n/a 6%

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