Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 20 Servitai. Weapons: Light Plasma Carbine, Light Plasma Pistol, and close combat weapon (typically a sword). Options: Up to two members of the squad may be armed with a Plasma Rifle at +2 points, a Nova Gun at +5 points, a Plasma Sprayer at +3 points, or a Lightning Gun at +5 points. Any model may be given frag grenades at +1 point, krak grenades at +2 points, blind grenades at +2 points, and/or melta bombs at +5 points.
Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Liberi Pugnatai. Weapons: Plasma Pistol. Options: Any member of the squad may be armed with a Korinai at +15 points, a Xenon Sword as +15 points, a Power Halberd at +20 points, or a Close Combat Weapon at +1 point. Any model may be given frag grenades at +1 point, krak grenades at +2 points, blind grenades at +2 points, and/or melta bombs at +5 points.