
  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Volimilitai 22 4 4 3 4 1 5 1 9 4+

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Volimilitai.

Weapons: Plasma pistol, Grenade Pack, and Corvitai Wings..

Options: Any member of the squad may be armed with a Xenon Sword as +15 or a Plasma Rifle at +5 points.


Deep Strike: Volimilitai may use their wings to Deep Strike if the mission special rules allow Deep Strike to be used.



  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Celerimilitai 20 4 4 3 4 1 6 1 9 4+

Squad: The squad consists of between 5 and 10 Celerimilitai.

Weapons: Plasma pistol.

Options: Any member of the squad may be armed with a Xenon Sword as +15 or a Light Plasma Carbine at +3 points.

Any model may be given frag grenades at +1 point, krak grenades at +2 points, blind grenades at +2 points, and/or melta bombs at +5 points.


Swift Movement: Celerimilitai move 8" in the movement phase, but still only move 6" in the assault phase.



  Points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Jetbikes 35 3 4 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+

Squad: The squad consists of between 3 and 10 Jetbikes.

Weapons: The bikes are armed with twin-linked Light Plasma Carbines.

Options: One in every three Jetbikes may be armed with a Jerutai Reaper instead of its LPCs at +10 points.


Jetbikes: The Jetbikes use the rules presented in the 40K rulebook for Jetbikes.  In addition, they may always move 6" in the assault phase, even if they are no enemy within 6",

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