Callaran characters may pick up to two single-handed weapons, or one single-handed weapon and one two-handed weapon. In addition you may pick up to 100 points worth of items of additional wargear for each character from the Wargear lists. You may not take duplicate items for the same model.

Single Handed Weapons

Plasma Pistol (Jerutai) 5 pt
Light Plasma Pistol (Jeruhitai) 1 pt
Devorai fist 25 pts
Xenon Sword 20 pts
Korinai Claw (single) 25 pts
Korinai Claw (pair) 30 pts

Two-Handed Weapons

Plasma Rifle (Jegutai) 10 pts
Light Assault Carbine (Jeguhitai) 5 pts
Lightning Gun (Jorugai) 25 pts


Callaran psykers may pick psychic powers from the list below.  The number of powers they may purchase is included in their rules, and the cost of the powers counts toward the 100 point wargear limit.

Nexus Tunnel 20 pts
Teleport Jai 10 pts
Energy Shield 15 pts
Fate 15 pts
Project Self 25 pts
Mind Assault 25 pts
Banish Daemon 20 pts
Paralyze 20 pts
Protective Aura 25 pts
Psychic Bolt 40 pts
Subjugation 30 pts


Denarro Armour 25 pts
Plasma Grenades 2 pts
Haywire Grenades 4 pts
Scanner 2 pts
Targeter 1 pt
Medi-Pack 25 pts
Null Field 25 pts
Jai Psy-Armour (Jai Only) 30 pts
Jetbike 25 pts
Nexus Portal 50 pts
War Banner 20 pts
House Standard 60 pts
Ancient Relic 40 pts




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