Tyranid Biomorphs

40K3 conversion by Tom and Erik Setzer; Based on 40K2 background and rules by Mike Freeman

Increased Pychic Stimuli - 25 points.This Tyranid has an advanced talent for stimulating Bio-weapons, causing them to fire faster, increase strength, and so one. A Tyranid with this skill may shoot twice in the shooting phase, and it adds +1 to the strength of it's close combat weapons. Note that this only applies to bio-weapons, and does not affect any weapons it might have. This means it can only be taken by Tyranid Warriors and Hive Tyrants.

Wider Pychic Projection -20 points. This Tyranid increases the range of it's hive mind influence by a further 12 inches. All pychic powers it may have add +2 onto it's range.

Bio Bombs - 2 points. These are packets of bio-plasma that are manufactured by the Tyranid's organs, and are picked of the body painlessly. This Tyranid counts as having krak grenades.

Poison Claw Tail - 15 points. This is a long tail that is tipped with a large serrated claw which is coated with a thick venemous slime. It gives +1 attacks, and after every close combat phase whether the Tyranid won or lost, roll a d6. On a roll of six the enemy model takes a wound on a roll of a 4+.  Normal armour saves apply.

Serrated Claws - 10 points. The claws and talons of this Tyranid are deeply serrated, adept at ripping armour to shreds. It counts as having an AP in hand to hand based on its Strength.  Consult the following table to determine the AP:















Well, hope these help you destroy the meat things. Crush, Kill, Destroy!

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