New 40K Q&A From the E-Desks of The Studio

Last Update: 4/20/99
Items marked with (*) are new to this update

Table of Contents

From the Main Rulebook

From Various Codex Books and White Dwarf Lists



1) In the commentary on Tank Shock, in the "Ultimate Secrets" section, it says that a tank cannot try to shock models in close combat.  If a squad has three members in base contact, can a tank try to shock the members not in contact?
No.  The entire squad is taken to be in combat and therefore cannot be the target of Tank Shock.

2) If a model is run over by the left track of a predator (or whatever) using Tank Shock, can the model get out of the way to the right of the tank, passing under the tank to do so?
This is down to whatever local conventions you want to adopt.  The rule is that models resume their positions when the tank passes.

3) Must a model be moved out of the way of Tank Shock in the direction that keeps it under the tank for the least amount of time (in other words, must it take the shortest path out from under the tank)?
Seems like a decent convention but it ain't what the rules say.

4) If you move a vehicle exactly 12", can you disembark from that vehicle (the example says less than 12" and the rules state as long as it didn't move more than 12")?
If you move 12" you may disembark.

5) Can troops assault after disembarking from a vehicle that has moved no more than 12"?
Yes they can (and jolly effective it is too!).

6) Can a character riding a Juggernaught be transported in a Rhino?
No he can't!

7) Smoke Launchers convert a Penetrating Hit into a Glancing Hit.  If the weapon that hits is an Ordnance weapon, would the damage roll be on the Glancing Hit or Ordnance Hit table?
        Glancing Hit.

8) Ditto for if a vehicle is Hull Down.
        Glancing Hit.

9) Line Of Sight from sponsons is drawn from the weapon to the target, and there are no "fire arcs" on tanks now?
        Not as such. Instead you must turn the gun so it points at the target. If the gun is glued in place we just assume it could turn as far as it could if it were not glued up. In other words, use 'real' fire arcs based on the model.

10) May a tank being assaulted by infantry fire it's guns if it can't/won't move away?
        Yes it can.

11) Can the troops assaulting the tank be fired upon?
        Yes they can, but watch out for those template weapons!

12) For the purposes of embarking in a Chimera or Wave Serpent, if two squads are down to half numbers or less, may they both get in?
        No.  This applies to all squads in all transports.  Only one squad at a time may get on a transport unless specific rules are in place to say otherwise.

13) If you make a sweeping advance into a vehicle on your turn may that vehicle:
A) Fire at the troops as they assault (Normal sweeping advance rules)?
B) Move away?
C) Have to wait until after the tank has been attacked in hand to hand before it can leave?

        Yes, yes, no.

14) Does Disembarking before a vehicle moves count as movement for the models?
Yes it does.  This means you can't fire heavy weapons.  Rapid fire weapons can only shoot once.

15) A squad is in a Razorback. The squad has a veteran sergeant with an Auspex. The Veteran sergeant rolls, and locates the lictor hiding in the trees. He tells his squad to shoot at it. Can the gunner of the razorback, bought as part of the squad, shoot at the lictor?
The answer, strictly by the rules, is no. The Razorback is a separate unit, although bought as an upgrade for the squad, and therefore can't benefit from the Auspex. Note that this applies to all transport units, which are included in the unit entry to save you from using up a 'slot' in the force organization in order to get the vehicle.

16) Must a unit that buys a transport be inside of that transport at the start of the game?

17) Can that transport subsequently pick up a different unit of the same or different type?
        We had a long discussion about this at the Studio, and feel that the best solution is to say that a transport vehicle may *only* transport the unit it was bought as an upgrade for. Characters that join a unit with a transport may be carried in it too, as long as they will fit, of course. Vehicles that are not bought as an upgrade but which have transport capability (i.e. Land Raiders and Falcons) can carry anybody they like. This is a deliberately harsh ruling, designed to stop players treating transports as some form of 40K taxi service. Consenting players should feel free to come up with their own house rules for a more lenient version of this rule, but should avoid just allowing transports to pick up anybody and move them about, as this can lead to some very beardy exploitation of the rules.

18) Can template weapons be fired from inside of a vehicle?
        Yes. Just place the flamer template against a firing port, hatch or door, this being assumed to be the location where it is being fired from.

19) Must a transport vehicle fire at the same target as the unit it is attached to?   What if the original unit is inside the vehicle?
        No, no. They are separate units, although they only take a single 'slot' on the force organization.

20) Here's the situation: A tank is beside a wood or building  (terrain piece X).  It moves 4 inches forward then turns left and move 3 inches.  It has gone around the terrain and moved 7 inches.  If you measured the distance as the crow flies, it only "displaced" 5 inches.  If this tank were a skimmer, it could follow the same course and "move" 7 inches, gaining the benefit going over 6 inches (to get glancing hits as per page 88 of the Rulebook). It could have chosen to fly directly to the point, moving only 5 inches.
Can a skimmer apply this same idea to move 4 inches forward and then 4 inches back, "moving" 8 inches, but displacing 0 inches?

        We'd say that in either of the examples you mention it would be OK for the skimmer to claim to be moving at over 6".  As moving fast enough to claim glancing hits often degrades the skimmer's ability to fire, it's not really a beardy tactic.  More importantly, it's a nice easy rule to understand!

21) I have a Predator with a Searchlight.  In front of it is a squad of Terminators, lined up with no gaps between bases.  It is a Night Fight mission.
According to the rules for the Searchlight my Predator "can be fired on by any enemy units in their next turn..."
There is nothing here that allows the enemy to ignore the normal targeting rules.   Can an enemy which is in the front arc of the Predator ignore the Terminators (who are blocking line of sight and are at least half as tall as the Predator) and shoot thePredator?

        No they can't.

22) Does the "crew shaken" result on the vehicle damage charts prevent embarked troops from firing?
A: No

23) If a dreadnought is immobilized by enemy fire while making a sweeping advance, does he:
A) Not make it into combat
B) Fight just like he was immobilized beforehand
C) Other


24) May you advance or consolidate after destroying a vehicle in an assault?

25) May a unit disembark while the vehicle it is in is engaged in an assault?
        Yes, but models must deploy within 2" of the vehicle _and_ 1" away from any enemy models.



1) Can shots from a flamer be repositioned as blast markers can?  If not, is it intentional that players, to pick out specific models, can use flamers, or does the targeted player have the option of removing different models?
No, the flamer can't be repositioned.  The idea is that you can (using a WW2 simile) use a flame thrower to knock out a machine gun nest rather than the infantry squad it's with.  As these are very short ranged weapons it seemed a suitable reward for getting into a position to use  them.
Also bear in mind that the flamer template must be placed so that it will affect the maximum number of models in the target unit.

2) There are 10 Orks in the squad that some Marines are shooting at.  Five Orks are in cover, five are not.  The Marines roll to hit with 10 dice, scoring 8 hits (good shot!).  Of these 7 wound.  This means that 7 saves need to be taken.
According to the rules: "...the owning player has to remove casualties from amongst the models in the open first until there are none left..."

Right, to use your example the Orks in the open would get no save and be removed (bolters AP5, Ork save 6= no save) and then two Orks in cover would get a cover save.

The problem is that the save still needs to be taken before any casualties are removed at all.  The Orks have, let's say, a save of 6.  The ones in cover have a cover save of 5+.  Does the whole squad get the cover modifier?
Simply take hits and make armour saves as appropriate for the ones in the open, and then if any wounds are left over apply them to models in cover and make appropriate cover or armour saves (which ever is better) for them.

3) When repositioning the blast marker in your unit after an opponent has hit it, can you reposition it so that it covers the same number of models within your unit plus one or more from his side?
Yes you can.

4) Does a twin-linked heavy bolter get:
a) 3 shots re-rolling misses
b) 6 shots re-rolling misses
when it shoots?

The answer is a.  Twin linking (aka just plain linking) does not increase the number of shots the player rolls for, but rather, allows the player to re-roll misses.

5) When a unit fires multiple blast templates on the enemy (say a Devastator squad firing 4 frag missiles), and all the missiles hit, would the templates be worked out one at a time, or all at the same time in some manner?
        We recommend resolving each blast one after the other as the best course, but other options are equally as viable as long as the players are happy.

6) If a barrage lands in HtH, does everyone underneath get hit?

7) Flame Weapons have a bit "all cover is ignored when resolving hits."   We take this to mean, in essence, "you might just as well take the cover off of the table before laying down the template, because it is ignored."  This would mean a shot can go "through" walls and allows no cover save, both of which seem sensible since both factors are part of "resolving a hit."  Is this right?

8) May troops assaulting a vehicle or dreadnought be fired upon?
        Yes to the vehicle, no to the dreadnought.

* 9) By strictly following the rulebook, you can shoot Pistol weapons twice if you remain stationary and then assault in the same turn.  Is that the intention of the rule?
No, pistols are just like rapid fire weapons in that if you fire twice you can't assault.



1) Do power weapons other than a power fist have any increased effect on vehicles?
No.  Power weapons only have bonus affects against things with armour saving throws.

2) For determining the results of close combat, do models that were not in contact (or for that matter not even within 2") count for "outnumbering" the   loser?
1 Ork in mega armor and a mob of 30 Gretchin assault 5 Eldar.  The Ork contacts 4 Eldar models (hey, it could happen), but only one Gretchin manages to make it into contact, with one other being 2" away from an Eldar model.  If the Eldar kill 2 Gretchin but not the Ork, and the Ork kills 3 Eldar, are the Eldar outnumbered (and by quite a margin!) or not (seeing as now the Ork is the only model in contact with Eldar)?

Yes.  Outnumbering is done on a unit vs unit basis, so even if one model from each unit is fighting, they'll get the benefit of all their buddies backing them up when it comes to intimidating the opposition.  Likewise if the models actually fighting are killed but there are a million more of them in the unit, they'll still outnumber the unit they were fighting.

3) When determining if a side is outnumbered, is it worked out on a squad for squad basis or as a whole per side?
  I have five 5 man squads assaulting three 10 man squads and a dreadnought and the whole thing is all intermingled, do I outnumber the "side" with 31 models if I win with my "side" of 25 models?

Work it out as whole sides, just like totaling up wounds inflicted in multiple combats (p69).
In this case, the losing side (with 31 models) is not outnumbered.

4) When a model is moving in to assault, can it pass "through" other models, friend or foe, to get into base to base contact, or must it move around interposing models to get around to a spot where he can contact the enemy's base?
Here's a diagram to illustrate what the question asks:
                   e      E      e

X,A, & B = friendly models
e = enemy trooper
E = a different enemy that model C wants to hurt very much
C = a vengeful friendly model

Can model C go "though" B and A to hit model E, (since if he goes around he may not get into base contact)?
He would have to go around and engage the closest unengaged enemy model via the shortest possible route - e rather than E

5) The book states that in an assault, models more than 2" away from the enemy can only be removed as casualties once all the models in base contact and all models within 2" of an enemy have been removed.  This can lead to an interesting situation that seems to not be covered.
Let's say that a squad of 9 Chaos Veterans and character in Terminator armor are assaulted by some Orks.  The character and three Veterans are contacted, each being touched by one Ork.  The Orks do quite well and manage to inflict 5 unsaved wounds on Veterans.   The character in Terminator armor is unscathed.  According to what is written, only two Veterans are removed since the Terminator is still in contact, thus precluding the removal of any models more than 2" away from the attackers.

All the models within 2" of the attackers (not just in base contact) would be potential casualties even if the Terminator survives.

6) Models within 2" of the enemy are allowed to fight in close combat, getting just one attack.  Does this one attack have to be made against one the enemy models he is within 2" of?

7) If he is within 2" of two different models with varying skills and/or abilities, does he get to pick which to attack?
He would be able to pick a target just like someone in base to base contact.

8) Under shooting, it says that models with multiple wounds are removed once the squad takes enough wounds to eliminate one whole model.  Does the same apply in hand to hand?
3 Nurglings fight one on one, against 3 Marines.  Each Marine does one wound on his stand of Nurglings before the Nurglings get to attack. 
a) Does one stand go away? 

Yes.  How the wounds are suffered makes no difference, the same rule applies (note that the rule doesn't specify shooting as the source of the wounds, just wounds suffered).

b) If one is removed, does the (in this case) Nurgle player get to pick which one?
Yes, standard rules apply.

c) If the Nurglings were facing off against a Marine Captain, a normal Marine, and a  Techmarine instead of just three marines, could the Chaos player remove the Nurgling facing the normal Marine so that other two can still be fought?  Because there are different weapon skills involved, and there were different to hit rolls, it would seem odd to remove just any old Nurgling.
The Chaos player would get to remove the stand he wants, except that characters can always force the actual model they are touching to be removed as a casualty.

9) Do models that are not in base contact in an assault get to use their special combat rules and/or weapons for that one attack the get?
(Banshee mask to allow a Banshee to go first and use their power weapon to strike, for example).

P66 "In all cases models can only use their special attacks if they are in base to base contact with the enemy"
There are five Striking Scorpions being attacked, one on one, by 5 Marines.  Directly behind each Scorpion is a Banshee.  None of the Banshees are in contact with anything, but they are all within 2" of a Marine (one each).  The Marines charged.
Do the Banshees attack first (if at all, seeing as how no one in their squad was in contact)?

Strictly speaking they do not fight at all as the Banshee unit is not engaged in close combat by the enemy.
Just to make things clear, in order to take part in an assault, at least one model from the unit must be in base to base contact with an enemy model. Just being within 2" of an enemy model is not enough. This means that a teleporting terminator unit can never be involved in an assault on the turn it lands. It also means that a unit which launches an assault into difficult terrain may end up not making contact, in which case no combat will take place (though the charging unit will still get to make its move).
It is also worth noting that the only reason the banshees did not get to use their masks in this example is that none of them were in combat, therefore the squad was not in combat.  If any Banshee had been in contact then the special rules for a Banshee Mask would have taken effect.  Even though models must be in actual contact to use special weapons and rules, the Banshees are a stated exception with their masks.
        As an aside, originally Deep Strikers were allowed to assault when they landed, but playtesting showed that this just made them too powerful, especially in the case of Terminators. As a general principle we've tried to make sure that elite or special troops are useful, but not overpowering, and keeping a lid on special rules such as infiltration and deep strike was one way we went about this.

10) A unit (Marines) has some members who reached the enemy (Orks), and an assault was fought.  They won, but the enemy passed their Ld test, so it  wound up a Drawn Combat.  Both units moved up unengaged models (up to 6"), but even with that far a move both units wound up with models not engaged with the enemy.

a) Could the unengaged Orks shoot at the unengaged Marines from the unit?
No they can't. Units shoot at units in 40K, and you can't shoot at a target in close combat.

b) Could the same Orks shoot at another marine squad?
Yes they can.

11) Unit A (Marines) wins a combat, and Unit B (Orks) rolls, say, an 8 to flee.   Five inches behind them is a friendly unit C (Gretchin).  The Marines elect to pursue, and roll a 10.  Do they still run down the Orks, as they did indeed roll higher than the enemy, or do they smack into the Gretchin & the Orks escape behind the Grots?   Is it a simple matter of if you roll higher to pursue than the enemy rolled to flee, then they are destroyed, and the pursuers engage fresh enemy if they ran into them?
The Orks are destroyed, and then you make a sweeping advance into the Gretchin. Beating the score "represents the victors shooting the enemy down as they retreat, scattering them beyond recover..." so you don't actually have to catch up with the enemy models, just speed them on their way, as it were.

12) Odd situation: Unit A is fighting Unit B, and Unit A wins.   The combat is arranged as illustrated:


---------------  unit B's table edge

Unit B rolls to fall back, and Unit A pursues.  A rolls a lower number than B, but since B had to go through A to measure distance to their table edge, A winds up touching B after measuring it out.
- Is Unit B still run down, as they wind up with A running them down by measurement?

- Or is B still OK, as A did not roll a higher number?  And place the models say an inch away from each other?
Bottom line - are you run down if you roll higher, or if you wind up touching, or both?

        You are only run down if the opponent rolls higher. If you roll equal to or less than their score, they get away, and you can't move into contact with them. Stop 1" away from them if the move would normally bring you into contact.

This next question revolves around a single rules concept.  The question is based on the following quotes:

Quote 1: p63, "Each model base-to-base with an enemy strikes...."

Quote 2: p63, "Models not touching an enemy, but within 2" of one, may make one Attack..." (this does not state that the attack must be against the specific enemy the model is near)

Quote 3: p64, "The dice roll needed depends on the relative Weapon Skills (WS) of the attacker and his foe."

Quote 4: p64, "Where large numbers of combatants have the same characteristics it is often convenient to roll for their attacks together.
Since all of the Space Marines need the same roll to hit and the same roll to wound you may as well roll them together and then allow the Eldar player to allocate the hits..."

Quote 5: p64, "Ordinarily we simply assume that the warrior is contributing his shots and blows to the swirling combat going on.  This means we don't have to worry about whether individual models strike their respective opponents in base contact.   However, if a model is in base contact with models with varying Weapon Skill and Toughness, it will be necessary to allocate attacks to different targets..."

Quote 6: p65, "...cross reference the attacker's Strength characteristic (S) with the defender's Toughness (T)..."

Quote 7: p65, "Models struck and wounded in close combat can attempt an armour save..."

Quote 8: p66, "Casualties must be removed from the models in base contact with the enemy first, then from models that are fighting near the enemy (ie within 2").   Casualties can only be carried over onto models more than 2" from an enemy where all other models have been slain."

Quote 9: p66, "'s generally assumed that players will roll all attacks of the same Initiative value together...However, if both players agree you can resolve attacks model by model.  In this case simply remove casualties as they occur."

Given the above quotes, some odd things can happen.  Here is the question:

13) A Bloodthirster and 3 Bloodletters are lined up one on one each against 4 Terminators with Power Fists. For whatever reason the Chaos player has bad rolls and the Terminators get to attack having taken no losses. The Terminators roll to hit against the opponents they each are touching (quote 3 "his foe").  Because the Bloodthirster has a different WS and T score, the Terminator touching him must roll his attacks separately from his brothers' (quote 5).  The Bloodthirster takes one hit and one Bloodletter is hit.  A roll to wound is made against each respective model (quote 6). Not surprisingly they both wound.  The Bloodletter fails the save and so does the Bloodthirster (so much for Invulnerable!).  Both took their save individually as directed by quote 7.  The Bloodthirster was down to one wound left as a result of some previous action.  This would seem to make for one dead Bloodletter and one dead Bloodthirster.  Yea for the Marines!  However, the Chaos player calmly picks up two Bloodletters instead.  He as done exactly what he is instructed to do by quote 8.   He has removed casualties from models in contact.  The rulebook makes no statement along the lines of "casualties must be removed from models in contact with the model that inflicted the wound."   Understandably, the Marine player gets upset.  He says that his guy was touching the Bloodthirster so he got to attack him (quote 1), he rolled against the Bloodthirster's WS (quote 3), rolled against his Toughness (quote 6), and got past the Bloodthirster's Invulnerable save (quote 7).   He feels that the wound should go on the Bloodthirster and asks to be allowed to specify that the attack is worked out on the Bloodthirster.  The Chaos player says no, that the Marine player was not touching models of different WS _and_ T (as required to designate an attack by quote 5 " if a model is in contact with..."), and so has no right to specify the Bloodthirster as the victim of the attack, even though the attack was worked out against it.  The Marine player then claims the book says he has the right to work out his attacks one model at a time and remove casualties as he goes.   The Chaos player pulls out quote 9 and says he does not agree to play that way and would prefer to play the recommended way.  He goes on to say that even if he did them one at a time, he could still remove the Bloodletter since quote 9 does not change from where casualties are removed.
You've hit on something which can be a bit confusing at first but its easier to understand if you remember the rules explain fairly simple combats between two units of basic models. In situations where you get opposing forces with different statlines (not just WS & T---Ed.) the easiest thing is to think of each group of models with different statlines as a separate unit. So for example you're fighting an Ork bodyguard comprising a Warboss plus some Gretchin and Nobz. In terms of allocating attacks and taking casualties the Warboss is a unit, Nobz are another unit and the Gretchin are a third unit, even though ordinarily they make up a single unit in game terms. Attacks allocated against the Gretchin unit roll to hit and wound vs the Gretchin statlines, and casualties must be taken from amongst the Grots, likewise for attacks against the Nobz and the Warboss. Characters of any kind also count as a separate unit in close combat even if they are nominally part of a squad (i.e. veteran sergeants). So if a model is in base contact with several enemy 'units' it could allocate attacks against either of them. It is the same for a model within 2" of several enemy units. The allocated attacks will be worked out against the appropriate unit and casualties are taken from there.
This broadens the concept of allocating attacks considerably, but works from a principle that is already established in the rules.
Note that models with different weapons in a squad (heavy weapons troopers for example), are still just normal models of that unit type, not Characters or "models with different statlines."  This means that they can be left in preference to other models being removed unless a character in contact with them attacked and allocated his attacks onto those models.

14) Do you calculate the outnumbering ratio before or after casualties are inflicted?
All morale check modifiers are based on the situation at the time the test is taken.

15) When the unengaged models move in to help their comrades under the "Partial Contact" rule, do they count the +1 attack for charging?

16) When a successful assaulting squad makes a sweeping advance, can only the squad that is being assaulted shoot at the squad making the sweeping advance, or can any squad shoot at the squad making the sweeping advance?
        Any squad can shoot.

17) How do you resolve blast markers and template weapons against a squad making a sweeping advance?
        Use the normal rules.

18) What happens to the models that are in base-to-base contact that are hit by blast markers and template weapons? Does it only affect the actual models covered by the template/blast marker, or does it extend to models they are in base to base contact with?
        Only models under the template will be effected, be they friend or foe.

19) Do the rule that allow blast markers to be moved allow them to be moved over enemy troops as long as the blast marker covers the same number of sweeping advancing models?

20) The "Partial Contact" rule on page 68 makes it clear that models which remain stationary to use rapid fire or heavy weapons cannot join their comrades in the assault.  Does this mean that models which are charged in a sweeping advance may not fire their weapons as if they had been stationary (and therefore count as if they had moved during the movement phase for the purposes of determining how their weapons fire during the shooting phase)?
        No. The models can use their weapons as long as they don't move (and if armed with bolters they could rapid fire).

21) When making an advance after wiping out the enemy, do you have to advance towards the closest enemy?
That is the intention, yes, though it's not strictly what the rule says.

22) If I have a squad partially in base to base contact, and they have failed a barrage pinning test, do the unengaged models still move into combat?

23) May a fearless creature voluntarily fall back?
        Yes.  Please keep in mind that voluntary fall back is not a standard rule.  As pointed out in the Ultimate Secrets of the Galaxy Revealed section of the Rulebook allowing voluntary fallback can significantly alter the balance of the game for the worse.  If you are allowing this rule to be used, then yes, Fearless models could use it.  This is a good reason not to use the rule in and of itself!


Army Selection

1) Some transports have a box around them in the army lists.  It seems to separate transport entries from the section they are in.  Should the location of a transport entry be taken as significant?
No, they are upgrades and as such their 'location' in the list is more a matter of convenient layout than anything else.

3) If a Chaos Lord takes Terminator Armor with one of his wargear options, can he take further options?
No, no further options allowed, like the note says, all of his weapons and equipment are replaced by Terminator armour, power fist and storm bolter.

4) On page 167 there is a rule that states that if you upgrade your weapons, you lose all weapons you started with.  Does this mean all the weapons are lost or just some?
        You lose *all* the model's original weapons apart from grenades. Note that character wargear is bought in addition to the model's normal weapons, and doesn't replace them. Though, see question 5 below for further detail on this.

5) Choosing weapons from the Armoury for Space Marines.  The sentence reads:   "Characters can have up to two single-handed weapons, or a single-handed   weapon & a double handed weapon."
Does this mean:
a) No Character can never have more than 2 single, or 1 single & 1 double? (Basically, once you're done with all the purchases, you can never wind up with more than that?)

b) When choosing from the weapons list in the Armoury, a character cannot choose more than 2 singles or 1 single & 1 double?  (And therefore could wind up possibly with more than those, due to existing weapons?)
        The first option is correct. Basically, the Codex limits should apply at all times, so a character can either have two single-handed weapons or one single-handed weapon and one double-handed weapon. The character may retain any of his original equipment within these restrictions, i.e. he doesn't *have* to give it up unless he wants to in order to take replacement items.

Here are some examples:

A Chaplain has a Crozius.  The Chaplain could take additional weapons, but he cannot wind up with more than the "2 single/1 single & 1 double" combination.

A Terminator Vet Sgt. already has a power sword & storm bolter.  If he were to choose a Chainfist, he would have to drop one of the existing weapons (to meet the restriction of no more than 2 singles or 1 single & 1 double).

As a note, weapons like Power Fists and Lightning Claws stop you using the hand they are attached to for anything else.  Having one such weapon means you can only use one other weapon at the same time, while having two stops you using any other weapons at the same time.

6) In order to start a second army, and thus a second organization chart, must the first army be totally full?
        No, but you must have taken all compulsory choices.

7) If I have two detachments, can I take one using appendix rules and one not?

8) If I have two detachments, can I take, say, one Space Marine and one Imperial Guard?

9) Marines in an Assault squad who get a Plasma Pistol lose the close combat weapon and the Bolt Pistol, leaving them with only 1 attack.  Correct?
The plasma pistol upgrade is a mistake.  Wherever a plasma pistol can be taken it *should* say "plasma pistol and close combat weapon".  This will still leave the model, in this case, with its previous number of attacks.
In general, when upgrading a model with a "ranged weapon", you really get "ranged weapon + your original CC weapon."  It is assumed a model always gets to keep its grenades though, unless upgrading to Terminator armor.

10) Are the sponson costs listed in the 40K book, Space Marine Codex, and any other Codex which does not specify (Chaos for example) Codex Space Marines PER weapon (i.e. 2 lascannon sponsons on an Annihilator costs 50 points) or for the pair (i.e. 25 points for above).
        The costs for sponson weapons is for the pair.   In your example, 25 points total.



1) Can characters joining a unit increase its size for morale checks (regrouping and casualty morale checks specifically)?

2) If a character is 2" or less to two or more squads, must he designate which one he is in?  If so, can he change the designation from turn to turn?
While he may choose to join a squad, he does not have to.  He also cannot join two squads at once.  Yes, he is free to switch affiliation at the start of each turn.

3) You can't shoot at an Independent Character if he's within 6" of a unit, unless he's the closest model at short range.  Does this hold true if the Independent Character is say a Hive Tyrant or Avatar near a unit of small critters (more than twice the height of the unit)? 
By the rules this is the case, though as a house rule you might want to allow players to target them.

4) An Independent Character is hanging out with a unit (within 2"), and the unit (10 men) gets hit & takes 6 casualties.  Morale test is taken, using the Independent Character's Leadership, and they fail.  They all fall back as normal.   Next turn rolls around...
-  Can the Independent Character declare he is no longer part of the unit, and make a separate test to Regroup, so that if it works he can Regroup on his own while the squad will continue to fall back, as they are below 50%?
- Or is he stuck with them, and can never Regroup as the squad is below 50% Strength?

    An independent character can not leave a unit he joins until it regroups (see p76), and therefore if the group can't regroup the character can't leave it!

5) Are VPs for non-independent characters calculated separately, e.g. a Marine Force Commander w/ Command Squad.

6) If a unit that had been joined by an independent character is falling back and is subsequently eliminated (by fire, for example), can the character then test for regrouping by himself?
        As long as he is an independent character, yes.

7) If a unit is wiped out by fire except for the character, does he have to take a morale check as if he were the last guy, including the modifier for being under 50%?
        As long as he is an independent character, no.

8) Can he then regroup without worrying about the rule for being below 50%?
As long as he is an independent character, yes.

9) In the Dark Eldar Codex, in the Reaver description it says "Characters riding a Reaver jetbike may only be armed with single-handed weapons, and may only use one at a time (they need the other hand free to control the jetbike)."
Does this mean that:
a) Reaver jetbikes have this rule and nothing else does (Reavers being hard to control because they get the power boost).
b) All jetbikes get this rule (jetbikes being hard to control because they fly around the place - wheee!).
c) All bikes, even the Space Marine ones that do not have this rule listed, get this restriction ("duh, of course a biker needs to keep one hand on the handlebars").

        Answer: a.  The rule will only apply when its written down, though as a house rule players can use if for other bikers too, if they wish (or they can assume the bike has an 'autopilot' a la Judge Dredd).

* 10) Is an independent character within 2" of a squad automatically   part of it, or can he choose to not be part of it?
He is only part of the squad if you state that he joins it during the movement phase.


1) When summoning daemons, if the scatter takes them off table, are they lost, as per Deep Strikers?
Yes, Daemons are a variant on Deep Strike troops (in fact they were simply Deep Strike for a long time) so they are lost if they scatter of the table.  Note that they can still be used in missions that do not allow Deep Strike.

2) Can a Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour cast Flame of Tzeentch on the same turn that he moved?
No (nice try though).

3) When buying a CSM Predator, is the cost per sponson, or for both sponsons?
        Per sponson.  See also "Army Selection" question #10.


1) Can you use the Farseer's Runesight power to re-roll Cover Saves or Invulnerable Saves?
No, you can only re-roll shooting to hit rolls or Armour saves.

2) Does the Wraithlord get Cover saves?
Yes (though the cover should be high enough to at least reach its knees!)

3) Can you use meltabombs against the Wraithlord?  Krak grenades?
No (but we may address this in Codex Eldar).

4) With the Eldar support platforms joining guardians, do the crew come with normal weapons?  May one fire one provided he comes with something?
Yes to both questions.

5) Can you combine the +1 strength modifier of a Mandiblaster with the double strength bonus of a power fist?  Do you add the +1 after doubling?
Yes.  You add the add +1 after doubling.  No matter what a model's strength will not be more than 10.

6) Under the Plasma weapons Get Hot! rule, hot are Eldar grav platforms affected?

7) If a Warlock is assigned to squad duty, does he still count as one of the five in the Farseer's Retinue?

8) If Eldar runesight is used to reroll armour saves, do you
A) Reroll one failed armour save per troop
B) Reroll all failed armour saves
C) Reroll failed armour saves from one 'volley'


9) Are Wraithlords treated as normal infantry for all intents and purposes, save those specifically cited in the rules?

10) Can only squads that say "may be transported in a wave serpent" embark upon one?

11) How does Runesight effect a D-Cannon?
A) It doesn't
B) You can re-roll scatter
C) You can re-guess range

        The answer is A).

12) Do Phoenix Lords get Fleet of Foot if their Aspect's Exarchs are allowed to (i.e.: Banshees, Dragons, etc...).



1) When orks Mob Up, do you calculate victory points
A) By assuming they all started as one mob
B) By counting each mob that started the game separately

        The mob that was falling back counts as being wiped out for vp purposes if it mobs up with another unit. The unit it joins uses its original strength and points values for tests, vps, etc, but counts the extra boyz as members of the unit for things like taking 25% casualties in a turn, or whether the unit is at 50% of its starting strength, etc.

Example: 5 Orks are falling back and mob up with a unit that started with 12 Orks left from a start strength of 15. The 5 Ork unit counts as being wiped out. The new Ork unit has 17 models, will no longer be able to regroup when reduced to 7 (50% of 15, rounding down), and uses its original points cost for vp purposes.

2) If you take two Ork Mad Docs in your Warboss' bodyguard, do you get to ignore two failed saves per turn?

3) In a Big Gunz battery, do the artillery pieces count as squad members for the purposes of 25% casualties since ork artillery are viable targets (unlike Eldar weapons)? I.E. if I have a squad of 3 lobbas and 7 grot crew, does 2 grot casualties force a morale test?
No. Yes.

4) May non-Feral ork armies take Boarboyz and Wierdboyz?


Sisters of Battle

1) What is the proper cost of a Sisters Rhino?
Rhinos cost 45 points as listed in its own entry, not 50 points as in the transport options in the unit entries.

Heroes of the Imperium

1) Vindicare Assassin - The Marksman skill states he can pick out heavy weapon troopers, sergeants, etc.  Would this mean that if he killed a heavy weapon marine in a tactical squad for example that no other marine could pick up the weapon (i.e., that the heavy weapon is lost to the squad)?  According to page 49, another trooper could pick up the weapon, but this would make the Marksman skill pretty pointless except for acing characters.
        This is correct. Vindicare Assassins can 'take out' heavy weapon troopers.


Imperial Guard

1) Inferno Cannon - Models may be forced to make a Fall Back move.  Are these models routed and in need of a re-group, or are they simply moved back 2/3 d6?
        You make a fall back move directly away from the hellhound, but are not routed per se. Treat the unit as if it were a Space Marine unit, rallying at the end of the move. Note that you can be killed in crossfire if forced to fall back by an Inferno Cannon.

2) Does a commissar's leadership project 12" in the same way as an officer if he is in a command squad/HQ?
        Only if the officer is dead and the Commissar has taken command of the unit.

3) At what point in the game is a commissar (chosen as an HQ pick) attached to a unit in the army list:
A) During deployment
B) When I make the army list

Either - it's up to you.

4) When deploying, or making a reserve roll, do I deploy the commissar with the unit he is attached to, or treat him separately?
Deploy with the unit attached to.

5) Obviously Fearless Chaos models are not affected by the Inferno Cannon's Fall Back move ( Their version of Fearless says they never Fall Back AND pass all Morale checks).  What about Tyranids near Synapse creatures?  All that says is that they pass Morale Checks.  What about the Avatar's Fearless (it makes no mention of never having to Fall Back)?
In these latter cases you have an irresistible force and immovable object, so you should roll off each time it occurs (i.e. 1-3 they fall back that time, 4-6 they ignore it that time).



1) Tyranid Warriors & Hive Tyrants are not listed as being Fearless, though others near them can ignore Morale checks (Synapse creatures).  Are the Warriors & Tyrant themselves able to ignore Morale checks too?  Or do they need to check, while others nearby would not?
        No, they must check. As intelligent creatures they may decide that discretion is the better part of valor and bug out!

2) Are spore mine explosions considered ORDNANCE weapons?  (Codex says ORDNANCE blast, but it's not listed in the ORDNANCE weapons list.)

3) Do you need to GUESS range for Biovores?  (Codex says GUESS 48", but in the descriptive paragraph, it says to place the spore mine on the table within 48" of the Biovore, and then roll scatter.)
        Yes, you must guess the range.

4) When a unit of falling back Tyranids (any Tyranid unit) come into Synapse range, are they:
b) Regrouped at the start of next turn regardless of size (less than half original size)?
c) Or, once a Tyranid unit begins to fall back, they follow all normal rules that apply, ignoring Synapse benefits?

        None of the above. "Any Tyranid unit with a model within 12" of a Synapse creature automatically passes any... tests to regroup it is required to make, regardless of restricitions for casualties, enemies nearby, etc." So, if you are in a situation that allows you to attempt to regroup, as defined by the rules, and there is a Synapse creature within 12", then you regroup.
You do not regroup *automatically* under any other circumstances.
        Note: this means when you regroup with 'Nids, you can ignore restrictions when regrouping within 12" of a synapse, but you still have to do the regroup check at the beginning of your turn.

5) May I shoot at a hive tyrant that has joined a squad of termagants, because the termagants do not block Line of Sight to him?
No (you fire at units, not models, and he is part of the Termagant unit).

6) Do biovores:
A) Guess range?
B) Test for pinning on a shot that explodes upon landing?
C) Count as ordinance?

Yes (see #8, below), no, no.

7) Can a floating Spore Mine cause a unit that is falling back to be killed via Crossfire? (ie., the unit fall-back corridor takes them into contact with the mine)
        Strictly by the rules, the spore mine can 'crossfire' an enemy and wipe them out. The mine won't explode, however, because it only goes off if _it_ moves within 1" of a non-Tyranid model.

8) Can a Biovore pick any point on the table within 48", or does it have to actually pick a target like a regular Guess/Barrage Weapons?
        You don't have to pick a target model, but you do have to guess the range. The best thing to do is place the spore mine and then guess the range towards that point, adjusting the final position of the spore mine as appropriate.

9) Do Tyranids within 12" of a synapse creature suffer from pinning when shot by sniper rifles/barrages?  It seems weird that Tyranids could be pinned being part of a Hive Mind and all, but the rule just says they pass Morale tests, which pinning is not.
        Strictly be the rules, they can be pinned. If you wanted to use a house rule saying they are not effected, that's your choice, but it's not what the rules say.


General Questions

1) Troops deploying from deep strike cannot assault that turn, so what happens if they land in base to base contact?
        They must be placed 1" away from the enemy (you're not allowed to move to within 1" of the enemy except in the assault phase).

2) Can troops with jump packs move over enemy troops?

3) Do sniper rifles affect the Wraithlord, Avatar, and Greater Demons.

4) Is cover on an ordnance determined
A) In line with the ordinance weapon
B) From the center of the blast


5) A multi-wound creature suffers instant death if hit with something big enough, right?
But what if he's on a bike and gets this +1 T from the bike?  What T shall be used for the wounds taken? His natural T or his boosted T?
        You should use the model's _original_ toughness for working out instant kills.   No modifiers for things like bikes, war gear or other special abilities are taken into account (for example, in Codex Chaos taking the Mark of Nurgle will add +1 to the models toughness, but you'd use the original toughness for outright kill purposes). This keeps a lid on players bumping up the toughness of multi-wound characters, making them very difficult to kill. It's not mentioned specifically anywhere in the rules, so we'll be putting a note about it in Chapter Approved in White Dwarf in the near future.

6) If something says that it allows "no armour save" does this mean:
a) very specifically no save which listed as an "armour save" may be taken

(Rosarius, Cortez, Rune Armor all save.  Power armor does not.)

b) no save which is given by virtue of wearing armor
(Rosarius, Cortez both save.  Rune and Power armor do not.)

c) no save for anything, unless exceptions are given
(Rosarius (taken instead of his normal armor save) still saves.  Cortez, Rune and Power armor do not.)

d) no save for anything, period
(All 4 fail.)
        The answer is a.

7) If, when entering from Deep Strike, the template lands in such a place as to require you to place models within an inch of the enemy, do you:
A) Place models within an inch of enemy
B) Place a many models as you can
C) Scatter again

        B). Any that can't be placed are lost, unless you agree to house rules otherwise before the game begins.

8) Can a single squad be forced to make multiple pin checks in a turn, or a pin check and a morale check?

9) On page 73 it is stated that models cannot regroup by moving into cover in the same turn they were defeated in combat, but there is no blanket statement that models cannot regroup at all in the turn the were forced to flee.  So can you actually make a Last Chance regroup attempt in the same turn that you were defeated in an assault?
        No you can't. Having checked the rulebook we've found it doesn't say that, but it should!

10) For Deep Striking models, the rules say " all the Deep Striking models on top of it (the marker)..." How much of "the model" must fit?   Can bases (large flying stands specifically) be over-lapped on the marker to make "the models" fit?
This came about when three land speeders tried to Drop Pod in.  Unless the bases were overlapped, they could not fit entirely within the perimeter of the marker.

The rules don't really address this, but in these circumstances, especially with Land Speeders, it seems OK to overlap the bases. After all, the models can't move, and being bunched like that is going to hurt if there is any Ordnance on the other side...

11) Can a model with two types of grenades use both at the same time?  For example, a character with Blight and Frag charges an enemy in cover and claim to attack simultaneously _and_ impose a -1 to hit on the enemy?
        Yes, you may use any and all grenades in the same turn.

12) Are any of the following a Leadership test?
A. Morale
B. Pinning
C. Re grouping
D. Psychic

Yes for A-C.

13) If any of these are not a Leadership test, then what guidelines should we use in the future in regards to determining Leadership tests.
Psychic tests are different, and do not count as a Ld test as far as the rules are concerned.


Typographical Errors

P44 - Terrain Effects Table. Boiling Mud & Tar Pits entries should both be 3
stars, not 4 stars
P183 - Dark Eldar Lord. Change pv of Raider from +35 to +55
P185 - Wyches entry. Change pv of Raider from +35 to +55
P186 - Raider Squad entry. Change pv of raider from +35 to +55
P187 - Scourges entry. Change pv of Raider from +35 to +55
P206 - Support Weapon Battery special rule box. Delete line that reads "The
support platform can move and fire."
P251 - Ork Stikk Bommas entry. Character para. Its costs +10 points to
upgrade a Boy to a Nob (!), not +11.


Questions From Codex Books

Space Marine Codex:

1) The HQ Characters' entry states that they are Independent Characters unless accompanied by a Bodyguard.  The Armory section then goes on to list items, and note that many can only be taken by an Independent Character.  If the HQ character does take a bodyguard, then is he no longer an Independent Character and therefore cannot take those Independent Character items like Terminator armor?
No, the equipment can be taken by anybody who *may* be an Independent Character.

2) Reading the Armory section, Marines in Power Armor can now take Lightning Claws (1 or 2), Thunder Hammers, and other previously (older editions) Terminator-only items.   Is this correct?
Yes, but you'll have to convert up the models yourself!

2a) If so, can they still take items that Terminators cannot take, like grenades?   It would seem a kind of cheesy way to get around the "Terminators can't take these" restrictions to take Artificer Armor, Terminator weapons, and items like grenades.
Yes they can. Don't worry, it's not really cheesy in the new game, as characters are not as powerful as before, and (relatively) cost more points.

3) The weapons options for the Land Speeder Tornado changed from the basic rulebook. It can no longer have both the Heavy Bolter & Multi-Melta together.   Just wanted to confirm this was correct. 
The Space Marine Codex is correct (we weren't sure how the model would go together when the list in the rules was written).  In all cases, options presented in the Codex books will over-ride the options in the main Rulebook.

4) If a unit of Marines falls back, and would move through another enemy unit in a Crossfire situation, are they destroyed, or would they automatically regroup & the Crossfiring enemy would count as Assaulting them (with a +1 Attack)?
They are destroyed (they regroup *after* falling back, so are subject to Crossfire).

5) In the Space Marine Codex, there are a few references to the Librarian power, Storm of Destruction, yet there are no rules for it.  What are the rules?
Librarians have just the one power, Smite.  Storm of Destruction was something that was toyed around with but did not make the final edit.  Unfortunately, it was not removed from all areas in the text. 

6) A Tech-marine with a Signum allows his command squad to re-roll one failed roll to hit per turn.  Can the Marine player wait until his whole squad has fired to see which die he re-rolls?
With re-rolls the convention which we use is that the re-roll must be used before any further dice rolls are made, so you can't 'go back' after rolling to wound or what have you and then decide to use a re-roll to hit.

7) Does the Codex: Space Marines rule for Combi-Weapons apply to all Combi-Weapons?
        It will, but for the time being use the rule from the list the army was picked from.

8) Are the costs for Imperial Marine Predator sponsons per sponson or total? 
        In total (i.e for the pair).

9) When a Marine Land Speeder deploys via Drop Pods (Deep Strike), how fast is it considered to have moved? This pertains largely to whether it can fire one, both, or no weapons.  Also whether it counts as moving over 6" so all penetrating hits are treated as glancing.
The Land Speeder is assumed to have moved over 6" (well, it has just dropped from orbit!), and therefore can fire one weapon.

10) A Storm Shield is not used to gain +1Attack, right?
        That is correct.  It is only a defensive item.  It is on the single-handed weapon list (and not wargear) to make sure that people do not take a pistol, a chainsword, AND a storm shield.


Chaos Space Marine Codex (and Chapter Approved)

1) If an Aspiring Champion is marked with the free "Undivided Mark" does his whole squad get to re-roll morale checks, or would the benefit apply only to independent characters or Aspiring Champions who were the last man in the squad?
      The effect would apply to the whole squad (in effect he is the model taking the test and the rest of the men follow his lead).

2) The Rhino entry lists the Havoc Missile Launcher as an option.  The description of the Havoc says it can only be taken by dreadnoughts.  Which is right?
        The army list entry always takes precedence, so the Rhino can have the Havoc upgrade.

3) Daemon Princes can take psychic powers.  Two of the powers require shooting To Hit rolls.  A Daemon Prince is BS 0.  Should he never take those two powers, limiting him to being Slaaneshi or Nurglesk if he wants powers or is there a typo on the BS?
        Good point, and not something that came up in playtesting.  As the rules stand there is little point in taking psychic powers for Chaos Undivided or Tzeentchian Daemon Princes.

4) Only Independent Characters can take bikes.  The Wargear entry for bikes says that "Characters that have a Retinue...may only be given a bike if all the models in the unit also have bikes."  In a Retinue, the only characters other than the Lord will all be Aspiring Champion, who are never Independent Characters.   This means that a Lord with a Retinue can never have a bike.  How does this reconcile?
        This is an example of a 'boots and braces' rule format. Basically, when we write books we often get caught out by some sections getting changed, and this not following through to other bits (the problems with vehicle upgrades are a good example of this). So we'll put a rule like this in as a fail-safe, in case stuff gets added to to other sections of the book later on.  In this case the fail-safe is redundant, but that's why it's there.

5) A ruling had been made previously that Obliterators could still have storm bolters but other references to them should now be combi-bolters. The Rhino entry has Storm Bolter as the weapon.  It can get a pintle mounted combi-bolter.  This means a Rhino can have both types? Should the Storm Bolter it comes with be a Combi-bolter?
        Sorry, it should be a combi-bolter.

6) Does a Chaos Lord get any of the benefits of the squad type his Retinue is?   Examples: A Lord with the Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, or Slaanesh has a retinue of Berzerkers, Plague Marines, or Noise Marines.  All these troop types are Fearless.   The Lord is not.  Can he run out of his Retinue (while they stay where they are) if they, for example, lose a combat?  A Lord with the Mark of Chaos Undivided gets Veterans.  Veterans can infiltrate.  Can he go with them?  Can they infiltrate without him? A Lord with the Mark of Tzeentch gets Thousand Sons.  They cannot Assault.  Can he?
        The Chaos Lord and the squad don't 'share' any special abilities, so a Lord leading a Fearless retinue is not fearless himself, the Veterans don't allow the Lord to infiltrate (as stated under Veterans), and the Thousand Sons still can't assault.  Note that the Lord and his retinue are a single unit, so if one of them can't do something, then none of them can. The only real problem that occurs is with the fearless rule, where you can get a situation where a model in a unit has to take a morale check while the unit he is a part of doesn't. In this case the Lord must check, and if he fails he will fall back (just assume he realizes he can best serve his masters by surviving the battle), and the rest of the unit will have to fall back with him.

7) Under Chaos Space Marine Bikers the weapons option says the rider is armed with bolt pistol OR close combat weapon.  Should this be AND, not OR? If this is not an error, what is the point? Both the bolt pistol and close combat weapon do _identical_ things in hand to hand combat (entitle the user to fight), yet a bolt pistol can also be used to shoot.  There is no point value difference, so there would never, ever, be a reason to take close combat weapons over pistols.
        It's in for WYSIWYG fanatics.

8) Daemon Princes can get Chaos Gifts.  Really?  They can ride discs, Juggers, and Steeds of Slaanesh?  Fire Doom Sirens?  Toss Blight Grenades?
        Yes. Daemon Princes in a Chaos Space Marine army can be Chaos Space Marines that have received many gifts from their patron gods.

9) Terminators normally do not have access to grenade types, but can get Blight Grenades as they are gifts.  Can they actually use them?
        Strictly by the rules, as they can get them, yes.

10) How long does the -1 to hit from Blight Grenades last?
        It only counts on the turn of the charge.

11) Can an Aspiring Champion in a Plague Marine Squad get Blight Grenades at +3 points or does he have to pay 15 points for them?  The only reason it seemed questionable at all is that other grenade types are the same points for a squad member as they are for a character who takes them from the Armory listings.
        The Aspiring Champion must pay 15 points.   The ability to tool up a character makes certain items of wargear much more dangerous in their hands than it would be for the members of a squad.

12) I take a squad of thee Chaos Bikers.  I upgrade one to an Aspiring Champion.  What are my options for the champion's bike weapons:
a) no bike weapon upgrades are possible
b) +10 points for a melta or a flamer, as per the bike entry for characters
c) +45 points to buy the champion (who already has a bike in the first place!) a bike capable of being upgraded, for +10 points, to a melta or flamer
d) +10 points for a melta or +15 points for a plasma as one of the 2 squad upgrade options
e) as option d, but in addition to the 2 squad upgrades (wishful thinking)

        b) is the option we use. In effect a character gets his squad's wargear for free, but can take any upgrades available to characters for it. Otherwise you'd have to re-buy Terminator armour for Terminator Sergeants that took character Terminator weapon upgrades, etc.

13) In a scenario which uses Sustained Attack how would Daemon Packs be recycled?
They would appear as described in the rules for Sustained Assault.

14) If a Chaos player has all his characters in Rhinos when it comes time to roll for Greater Daemon possession, what happens:
a) The Daemon cannot enter the mortal realm that turn
b) The Daemon appears as normal, possessing a character

        The answer is b.

15) If the answer to the above is (and, oddly enough, it was!) b:
a) The Daemon is destroyed by the enclosure of the Rhino (since Greater Daemons cannot get in a vehicle)
b) The Daemon is deployed  within 2" of the vehicle
c) The Rhino is destroyed and
c1)the guys inside survive just fine
c2)the guys inside most roll to avoid death, like always

        The answer is b again.  Just assume the guy lurches out as he feels the change coming on him.

16) Is the -1 Leadership penalty for psychic tests imposed by the Talisman of Tzeentch cumulative, or is the penalty at most -1 no matter how many characters have this gift?
        The maximum penalty is -1.

*17) The article on Cult Terminators (in White Dwarf) says that the player can upgrade his terminators to Khorne Berzerkers or Plague Marines or...
This seems to be intentional wording beyond what could have been, for example, "..may upgrade his terminators with a mark of Nurgle.." or"may reward them as followers of Nurgle, giving +1 Toughness.."
The point is that this would mean a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle should be able to take Plague Marines in terminator armor as troops just like he can take Plague Marines in power armor as troops.  I have to confess that since the upgrade was 20pts per this seemed pretty reasonable to me.  Is this correct?

That is correct. Basically you get to use the stats (apart from save) and special rules for the cult Marines, with the save, equipment and upgrades of the Terminators.

* 18) Do Cult Terminators actually have the Mark of their God?  I would think not, since the Mark of Tzeentch is that whole psychic test thing.  The odd bit is that Berzerkers have +1 Attack (obviously NOT the Mark of Khorne) while Berzerker Terminators have +1 Strength (possibly the Mark???)
They don't come with the Mark of their god.

* 18a) If they do not come with the Mark, when I upgrade one Cult Terminator to an Aspiring Champion, do I need to buy him the Mark of Whatever to get the Gifts of that God?   It never comes out and says they have Marks.
Yes, you would have to buy them the Mark.

* 19) This is a big one.  It seems pretty obvious that the Plague Marines do NOT have the Mark of Nurgle, Berzerkers do NOT have the Mark of Khorne, Noise Marines do NOT have the Mark of Slaanesh and Thousand Sons do NOT have the Mark of Tzeentch.   This means that a Plague Marine Aspiring Champion not only _can_ buy the Mark of Nurgle, but in fact MUST buy it to get a Plague Sword or any other Nurgle Gift.
Is this true (that these squads do NOT have actual Marks, but rather are just followers of that God)?

Yes. The Aspiring champions are entitled to the mark and would have to pay for it, but if they do so they get the benefit on top of the stats listed in their entry.

* 20) Does a Chaos Dreadnought under Fire Frenzy still have to obey LoS rules? The Talos states that LoS still must be observed, the Dread does not.

* 21) It is my understanding that Chaos Gifts cannot be Master Crafted. They are not "weapons" or described, for example (with a Plague Sword), "as a power weapon" etc..
Am I understanding this correctly?


*22) A Greater Daemon possesses a character that is part of a squad of 4 men.   He appears, by definition, within 2" of someone else in the squad.  If the squad fails its morale check for 25% casualties (he counts as a casualty - the champ that is - according to the Codex), must the Daemon run away with the squad?

* 23) What exactly can Chaos Dreadnoughts have for upgrades?
Page 6: "All Chaos vehicles, apart from bikes and Dreadnoughts, can have the following extra equipment...." This list includes the Havoc Missile Launchers.

Ignore any references outside the army lists as to which upgrades a vehicle can have.   So, a Dreadnought can have anything in the armoury, as the limits in the armoury are ignored.

* 24) Do Noise Marine Terminators (from White Dwarf) get to mix weapons from Noise Marines and their own?  For example, can I take 2 bolter bolters, 1 bolter-melta, 1 sonic blaster, 1 heavy flamer, & 3 blastmasters?
        No.  They should substitute for the appropriate type of Terminator weapon.

* 25) Since we now understand that plague knives and plague swords are "gifts" and not "weapons" this means that:
a) a Plague Marine with bolt pistol and plague knife does NOT get the benefit of an extra attack for having a pistol and close combat weapon
b) a character can take 2 single handed "weapons" _and_ a plague sword or plague knife
Is this right?

No. Simply don't allow them to be master-crafted (too much of a good thing!), but otherwise count them as weapons.


Dark Eldar Codex

1) The Reavers get the result of 1 on their Combat Drugs roll and never fall back. The Succubus in the squad has her own drugs, and the result of "Crazed! Ignores fall back results..." is not available to her. Now, if the squad loses combat, they will not fall back because of the squad's drugs, but will the succubus have to make a morale test and possibly fallback (and leave the squad)? This is only an issue because she is not an Independent Character.
Hmmm, this is a good question (and not something that came up during playtesting). Under these circumstances she would ignore the fall back result.

2) According to the description of the Talos, you roll to hit and then allocate hits to the closest models. Assuming the models are wounded and killed do you:
A. Remove the exact models that are killed.
B. The player can choose to remove any model from the squad as per the normal shooting rules.

A is indeed the correct answer. The Talos's special rules over-ride the normal rules.

3) When, and how often, is the razorsnare used?
        It's used in the assault phase, after the attackers have made any charges but before combat is resolved. It can be used in either player's assault phase.

4) May you make a "Fleet of Foot" move after disembarking from a vehicle?

5) Can a DE character on a jetbike use Combat Drugs to assault 12"?

6) Does the DE Reaver Jetbike give +1T & +1S to Characters as it does to Wyches?  These are specifically mentioned those benefits in the Rulebook, but not in the Codex.
        Reaver Jetbikes add +1 to the rider's toughness, as do all bikes. The entry in the Codex *should* say you get +1 strength as well. We'll cover this in Chapter Approved, and future printings of the Codex will include the change.

7) When grotesques (who need 6 STR to be wounded) take damage on a 4+ (e.g. their raider crashing) do they:
a) ignore the damage, as it isn't 6 STR
b) take one wound, even though a 6 STR hit should auto-kill them
c) Die a fiery death.


* 8) Can Dark Eldar capture Necrons for victory points?
        No.  (No pain sensors you see)


Blood Angel Codex

1) What happens if you take two Chaplains?
        You can only ever have one Death Company unit if you take two Chaplains as two HQ choices, then both Chaplains and their Death Company Space Marines form a single unit.

2) What happens if Lemartes is taken without a Death Company?  Can he be on his own?
        If the special character Chaplain Lemartes is not accompanied by Death Company then he is an Independent Character.

3) Does the Veteran Assault Squad Sergeant get wargear or do you have to pay to upgrade him first?
        Veteran Assault Squads have an ordinary Sergeant as standard and must pay to have a proper Veteran Sergeant.

4) Is the Ld of the Force Commander only a 9 to represent the lack of self-control the chapter has?
        A Blood Angels Force Commander is Ld 10 like all other Space Marine Force Commanders (oops!)

5) Do the transport options for the Honor Guard get the supercharged engines, since they are cheaper than normal Blood Angel versions?
        The Rhino/ Razorback option in the Honour Guard entry should be 65/ 85 points respectively (oops, oops!)  They do get the engines.

6) Other predators get sponsons in pairs for one price.  The Baal pays for each sponson.  Why?
        The sponson costs on a Baal Predator are for a pair, not per sponson (oops, oops, oops).

7) Can I use the 6" overcharged engine movement to go in any direction, like normal movement?
        When a Rhino or Razorback uses its overcharged engines, the extra 6" move must be straight ahead.

8) The entry for regular dreadnoughts in the Blood Angel Codex is in the Heavy Support section and says to take them from the Heavy Support Section in the Space Marine Codex.  In the Space Marine Codex, they are Elites.  What is allowed?
        Blood Angels can take Furioso Dreadnoughts as Elites and ordinary Dreadnoughts (from the Elites in the Space Marine Codex) as Heavy Support.  Note that this does mean they could have up to 6 Dreads in total (they prefer Dreads, which can fight in assault, rather than other vehicles).

9) Do Dreadnoughts benefit from the Black Rage?

10) When using over-charged engines a dangerous terrain test must be passed first.   A dozer blade allows the player to re-roll dangerous terrain tests if the vehicle will not be moving more than 6" that turn.  Can a dozer blade really stop the engine from malfunctioning?
        I'm sure that no reasonable opponent would mind to using a house rule that stops dozer blades effecting this test. When not playing against reasonable opponents, you'll just have to let them have the re-roll and grin and bear it!  Of course, since the dozer blade is not-useful when moving more than 6", it should not some into play all that often.

11) It says in the Blood Angels Codex under the Death Company it states: "A   Death Company automatically passes any Leadership test it is required to make & ignores any effect that would normally make them fall back automatically. This also applies to any character who joins the Death Company unit."
Question: If a Librarian joins the Death Company does he automatically pass his Psychic test?

No (nice try though!)

12) When do I have to decide whether Death Company have a Rhino or Jump Packs?  
        Decide on Jump Packs or Rhino before each game, after generating the unit (but you'll need WYSIWYG models to do this). You only ever get one Rhino, and how you deal with overcrowding problems is pretty much up to you (i.e. either make 'em walk within 2" of the Rhino, or simply don't take the models that don't fit).


Necrons (from White Dwarf)

* 1) I have a Necron that is a casualty in my opponent's assault phase. The rest of the Necron unit loses the hand to hand combat but does not  fall back.  If the Necron casualty regenerates and stands back up, does it set up in base to base contact or not?
        Since the combat is still ongoing the Necron would indeed be placed back in base to base contact (Terminator-esque grabbing of ankles etc.)

* 2) Are Necrons  considered living or are they similar to a Wraithlord and Talos? I ask this because we had a question come up as to whether a Plague Knife/Sword would affect them or not.
Technically, yes they are affected because the rules don't say they aren't affected and under those circumstances just saying no they aren't affected makes them more powerful (A bit of answering rules philosophy there).
However, logic dictates that there is a good case for a house rule and/or Chapter Approved Q saying they aren't.



Q: When a tank overruns a unit using the Tank Shock Rules, units which do not run are moved out of the way as the tank passes. If the tank moves completely through a unit and impacts a second unit which occurs?

A) The tank leaves a big hole in the first unit (where the troops were moved out of the way for it to pass) and executes a tank shock on the second unit.

B) The tank executes a tank shock on the second unit but the troops of the first unit are moved back into place after the tank has passed during the tank player's movement phase.

C) The tank stops short of the second unit (unable to execute a second Tank shock in the same turn) but leaves a hole in the first unit.

D) The tanks stops short of the second unit and leaves no hole or disruption of the first unit.

P: The correct answer is B. However, check out the notes on Tank Shock in the designers notes at the back of the rules. Also not that it is simply 'assumed' that the models get out of the way, and they only have to be physically moved if the tank ends up in the middle of the unit at the end of its move.

Q: page 68, ADVANCE The victors move 2d6" directly after their withdrawing enemy. If they roll greater than their enemie's Fall Back score they catch and destroy them. etc...THEN on page 72, Assaulted While Falling Back A unit which is assaulted whilst falling back must check to regroup immediately. etc... Question: does this mean that a unit that is advancing into the same unit it already defeated in hand to hand is allowed a Leadership test to prevent destruction?

P: No, but nice try!

Q: Imperial Space Marines: page 5 Marine Codex, "And they shall know no fear..." ...If the enemy Advance into them the Space Marines are not destroyed and the advancement of the enemy is treated as a new assault in the same way as a sweeping advance. 69 Main, Shooting In Close Combat However an exception to this rule is during a sweeping advance. In this case the advancing unit will be exposed to enemy fireas it moves forward...Therefore units making a sweeping advance can be fired at before the next assault phase is fought...

Does this mean that Marines can (optionaly) choose to break form combat and then get a free shooting phase at any advancing unit?

P: Yes

Q: ...thereby making the best army in the game impossible to beat?

P: You clearly haven't seen the Battle Results posted to the 40K list!   Space Marines are bottom of the heap at the moment...

Q: Can a Deathwing Command Squad in Terminator Armour or a Ravenwing Command Squad have a Techmarine and/or Apothecary?

P: Yes, but you'll have to convert the model yourself.

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