Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition Q&A


by Jervis Johnson

Q: When orks Mob Up, do you calculate victory points
A) By assuming they all started as one mob
B) By counting each mob that started the game seperately

P: The mob that was falling back counts as being wiped out for vp purposes if it mobs up with another unit. The unit is joins uses its orginal strength and points values for tests, vps, etc, but counts the extra boyz as members of the unit for things like taking 25% casualties in a turn, or whether the unit is at 50% of its starting strength, etc.

Example: 5 Orks are falling back and mob up with a unit that started with 12 Orks left from a start strength of 15. The 5 Ork unit counts as being wiped out. The new Ork unit has 17 models, will no longer be able to regroup when reduced to 7 (50% of 15, rounding down), and uses its original points cost for vp purposes.

Q: If you take two Ork Mad Docs in your Warboss' bodyguard, do you get to ignore two failed saves per turn?

P: No


Answered by Tim Huckelberry:

Q: First, when a character with Squigs (attack or hound) or Grots as wargear dies are they  removed as well? (Nod to Squig Brain here)  One the one hand they're wargear and so should go with the character, but on the other they are models with a profile of their own...  And if they can remain, can a Squighound regroup a mob of grots that "goes to ground" if the slaver is dead?

---------> Good question!  Right now I'd say remove it, but we'll double check with Andy.

Q: Second, on the entry for Warbikes, the option for 'Bikes without big shootas remains.  But do such Orks count as having Choppas?   They're listed as being armed with "sluggas and addtional close combat weapons".    The entry is a "cut and paste" from the old rules, and I'm wondering if that was simply an oversight or a deliberate decision.

--------> We'll double check with Andy, but AFAIK the codex is correct.

Q: Third, Kannon are treated as Ordnance for a lot of things, but it's not clear to me if a Battlewagon with a Kannon on it can move and fire.  Do Kannon count as Ordnance for firing purposes?

-------> Nope.

Q: And just to make sure, if you give a More Dakka Kustom job to a shoota, it becomes an Assault 2 24" range weapon, correct?  And a More Dakka Slugga is an Assault 2 12" range weapon that can still be used as a close combat weapon?

------> Yes for both.

Q: On the Battlewagon, it mentions needing ork mob to shoot the the bolt on big shootas.  Can I "buy" 5 shoota boyz, and put them on the weapon?  Or do I have to pay the cost for a full unit of at least ten shoota boyz?

--------> No, as the minimum unit size for them is 10.

Q: Also, a Leman Russ has a  turbo boosta.  I decide to just move the inches allowed from  the turbo.  Assume the vehicle passes the "hang on test".  Can I then still shoot the ordinance weapon, since it states that it counts as moving at the speed it went before the boosta for shooting and disembarking purposes?  After all, before the boosta, it hadn't moved.

-------> Nope - you wanna fire Ordnance, you canna no move. :)

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