Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition Q&A

Dark Eldar

by Jervis Johnson

Q: In the Dark Eldar codex - a couple of oddities:

a) Is the Raider listed as 55 points in the transport section a typo, since everywhere else in the codex it's listed as 35 points?? Or is it that you can buy the Raider separately for 55 points (if this is the case, why are other armies' transports listed as the same cost?)??

P: This is a typo. It costs 55 points.

b) Touching on the previous question, CAN you take transports separately, as a troop choice (they're listed in a different way from other tanks - having a bold box around the item)??

P: No transports are only available as an upgrade.

c) Why is there a warrior squad, and a raider squad when the ONLY difference is one can't take a raider, and the other needs to - or am I missing something (if I'm not missing anything, why not just list the warrior squad as being able to take an optional Raider, like other squads?)??

P: The unit sizes are different (5-10 for Raider squads, 10-20 for Warriors).

d) When a character's options are: "A Splinter rifle or a Splinter pistol with a close combat weapon at no extra cost. The character may take one choice from the Dark Eldar Weapons List." ...what does this mean? Does this mean that he can have a Splinter rifle for free, and ANOTHER Splinter rifle from the list?? Or that he can replace his FREE weapon with something from the list, in which case the only thing he would take would be the Splinter Cannon, as everything else was mentioned above as being free??!!

P: You must be looking at the wrong weapon list. This is refering to the list on page 182. In effect you can replace the standard weapons with your choice of weapons from the list; say a power weapon and splinter rifle (odd choice but you might want it!), or a splinter pistol and power weapon, etc.

Jervis Johnson
Games Workshop Ltd

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