Warhammer 40,000 3rd Edition Q&A

Chaos Space Marines

by Jervis Johnson

Q: You might not answer this one, but here goes; The Chaos 40k army are rumoured to get a new special character. I've heard that he's suppost to be some sort of Chaos Assasin. True or False?

P: True and false! Yes to the special character, but he ain't a Chaos Assassin (it's not a bad idea though...)

Q: Fabius Bile is rumoured to be getting a special retinue. In the old rules he could have enhanced space marines, is this what this retinue is basically going to be made up of?

P: Yes.

Q: more of a comment than anything. There were some problems with the old chaos codex that I'm hoping will be fixed eg. Plague Marines in the old rules were 35 points a model, it wasn't worth it for a toughness 5 marine. Also I'm hoping to see Heavy/Special weapons for Plague marines ( kinda like noise marine weapons ). Can I look forward to this?

P: Yes to the problems (well, IMO anyway), no on the heavy weapons.

Q:Are there going to be 1000 sons models?

P: You'll need to stick with the exisiting ones for the time being, or convert your own.

Q:For Chaos, the Rhino is listed in the Heavy Support section. Does this mean that a Rhino used to transport troops from another section of the army list counts as a Heavy Support selection?

P: No, transport vehicles are always an upgrade for the unit so do not count as an extra choice.

Q:If a Chaos Lord takes Terminator Armor with one of his wargear options, can he take further options?

P: No, no further options allowed, like the note says, all of his weapons and equipment are replaced by Terminator armour, power fist and storm bolter.

Q: When summoning daemons, if the scatter takes them off table, are they lost, as per Deep Strikers?

P: Yes, Daemons are a variant on deep strike troops (in fact they were simply deep strike for a long time) so they are lost if they scatter of the table.

Q: Can a Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator Armour cast Flame of Tzeentch on the same turn that he moved?

P: No (nice try though).

Q: Can a character riding a Juggernaught be transported in a Rhino?

P: No he can't!

Q: When buying a CSM Predator, is the cost per sponson, or for both sponsons?

P: Both sponsons.

(Note from Jervis:  Guys, while I deeply appreciate the fact that some of you think that there is a cunning, fluffy reason why I said that Chaos tanks pay extra for each sponson, the real reason is I made a mistake! The cost listed for sponsons in the Chaos list is, like the cost listed for SM sponsons, for the pair, not for each weapon.
Sorry for the confusion...
Jervis Johnson)

Q: Why wasn't their an appendix in the Chaos section to allow mark specific armies, e.g. all nurgle armies?

P: It's not needed, you can field an all Nurgle army using the list.

Q: In the Codex:Chaos Space Marines, will Plague marines still get the option to take the Bolt Pistol/Close combat weapon combo?

P: Yes

Jervis Johnson

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