Below are answers to some more questions asked on the list. Apologies for those I've missed ("Ed, where are you Ed, the list needs you to collate all of the rules questions Ed...")
We had VERY few rules disputes (kudo to Jervis & Co.). But, we did not fully understand something about the Assault phase.
Here is the situation:
Q: My DA Dread charged Jain Zar(!)
My Dread won(!) and promptly obliterated her
The rules on p. 67 ("Enemy Destroyed!") state that "the victors can
consolidate or advance as normal".
So, we understand about consolidation. Our question(s) lie in the advance.
Q: Does the dreadnought advance 2d6"?
P: Yes
Q: If so, does the dread move directly forward only or is it towards the nearest enemy model(s) or something else entirely?
P: The advance must be 'towards the enemy'.
Q: What if the dread rolls 12" and encounters an enemy model at
Does the dread lumber on to 12" and stop or does it stop at 9"?
P: It stops as soon as it contacts the enemy (see 'Sweeping Advances' on p68)
Q: If there is no falling back enemy (enemy destroyed), is there any way for the dread to perform a sweeping advance if it comes into base to base contact with an enemy model? In this case the enemy model was at 9" and the dread rolled 12".
P: This counts as a sweeping advance.
Q: What if the dread advances 12" but encounters the falling back enemy at 4" (destroying them), another enemy unit at 6", another at 9" and then another at 12"? Does it simply destroy the unit at 4", run past the unit at 6", run past the unit at 9" and then assault the unit at 12" in the next assault phase?
P: See above (stop at the first enemy you meet).
Q: What is not clear is if the attacking unit can qualify the advance as a "Sweeping Advance" due to the fact that there are no falling back enemy units to outpace.
P: It counts as a sweeping advance.
Q: Page 73 Rulebook states the criteria for a broken unit being able
to rally and continue fighting. While this is clearly stated it seems to indicate a
frightening aspect. A unit will less than 50% left of its starting strength can rally if:
A: It reaches cover on its way down the retreat corridor or the table edge provided it
makes a leadership test.
B: Units at less than 50% starting strength simply cannot rally!
P: The only way a unit at less that 50% starting strength can regroup is if they are 'Assaulted while falling back' (p72) or if they are Space Marines (They Will Know Now Fear, p169).
Q: In the imperial Guard army list it states the weapon choices
availible for Anti-Tank and Fire-Support Squads. The points costs and correct example for
a fire-support squad is:
A: Squad at 30 points, two autocannons at 30 points each, and one heavy bolter at
20 points for a total of 110 points.
B: Squad at 30 points and three autocannons at 30 points or three heavy bolters for 20
points equaling 60 or 50 points respectively.
P: Option A is the correct one (you pay the points for each heavy weapon you take, not 'for a set').
Q: Again the Imperial Guard army. Troop choices. Two choices are
required at it clearly mentioned the infantry are fielded as platoons however it seems to
also list other non-platoon options as troop selections as well. Which of these sets of
two troops choices are legal?
A. One platoon with command section with two infantry squads and one fire-support squad.
B. Two Armoured Fists squads.
C. Some other combination?
P: A and B are both legal. You don't have to take an Imperial Guard platoon if you don't want to!
Jervis Johnson