by (c) Quinton Woeppel

Sand Dragon Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes

The Sand Dragons are the Children of Leukion Kask. Though he is only 500 years old he has proven the worth of his Gene-seed in trials with the Mentor Legion. His Gene-seed has been replicated and the Sand Dragon Chapter is the result. The Sand Dragons are the youngest and newest Chapter created by the Adeptus Astartes. They were given the desert planet Arakis as their home. The harsh sands of this death world have shaped the new chapter into a devout and dangerous weapon of the Emperor. The sands of Arakis are metal corrosive and long ago made the vehicles that they were initially issued unpredictable. The internal machinery of vehicles is corroded and useless in days unless constant maintenance and repair is performed. Only Armaplas and Plasteel, the materials of Powered armor and Terminator tactical armor, are unaffected. The 2 dreadnoughts that the Chapter has acquired are also made of Armaplas. The Chapter is young and severely undermanned. The Sand Dragons have taken to promoting aspiring Marines early in order to fill the ranks of squads. The First Company is composed of veterans as standard except those Sand Dragon veterans are sorely missing combat experience. The initial Sand Dragon Marines were all but wiped out in the Battle for Space Hulk Tyrannis. The Sand Dragons lost 2 Terminator squads and several full companies of Marines. This loss to the formative Sand Dragons has dealt a setback to the Chapter that will be felt for decades to come, possibly even centuries if the Sand Dragons are constantly sent into battle.


0-1 Master of the Storm Company……………………………..125 pts.

The Master of the Storm Company is the second in command of the Sand Dragons and the captain of the Chapter’s Veteran First Company. The Master may be your army commander if you wish. Remember that your army must include at least one model capable of leading it. You may only choose the Master of the Storm Company if you include either a Tempest Terminator Squad or one of the Sand Storm Calvary Squads in the army.

Troop Type










Master of the Storm Company










WEAPONS: Storm bolter and power sword

ARMOR: Terminator armor (3+ save on 2d6)

WARGEAR: The Master may have up to 3 Wargear cards.The Master may be given additional equipment from the Terminator Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

STRATEGY: If the Master of the Storm Company is chosen as the army commander, he has a strategy rating of 5.

SPECIAL: If the Master is the army commander then any Space Marine units within 12” of him may use his Leadership value when they take a Leadership tests.

0-1 Sand Dragon Captain…………………………..96 pts.

The Sand Dragon Captain is the captain of one of the Chapter’s companies. The Space Marine Captain may be your army commander. Note that an army may include the Master of the Storm Company and a Sand Dragon Captain, in which case you must nominate which will command the army.

Troop Type










Sand Dragon Captain










WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: The Captain may have up to 3 Wargear cards.The Captain may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list. The Captain may be mounted on a Horse for +7 pts.

STRATEGY: If the Captain is taken as the army commander, he has a strategy rating of 5.

SPECIAL: If the Captain is the army commander then any Space Marine units within 12” of him may use his Leadership value when they take a Leadership tests.

0-1 Company Standard……………………………..55 pts.

The Sand Dragon's army may include up to one Company Standard. The standard is carried by a Veteran Space Marine who has been specially chosen for his skill and bravery.

Trrop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Standard Bearer 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: The Standard Bearer may have up to 1 Wargear card.

The Standard Bearer may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Standard Bearer may be mounted on a Horse for +7 pts.

SPECIAL: Any Sand Dragon units that are within 12” of the Standard may re-roll the dice if they fail a break test.


The Chaplains administer the rites of the Chapter, perform the ancient ceremonies of initiation and Vindication, and chant the liturgies of battle as they lead their brothers into war.

Trrop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Deacon 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9
Chaplain 4 6 6 5 5 2 6 2 9
Master Chaplain 4 7 7 5 5 3 7 3 10

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: A Chaplain has a Crozious Arcanum and a Rosarious (4+ unmodified save). The cost of these items are included in the points value.

The Chaplain may have up to 2 Wargear cards.

The Chaplain may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear lists.

The Chaplain may ride into battle on a horse for +7 pts.


Space Marine Librarians are trained to make use of their psychic powers to unleash devastating attacks on the enemy.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Lexicanum 4 4 4 4 5 1 5 1 8
Codicier 4 5 5 5 5 2 5 1 8
Epistolary 4 6 6 5 5 3 6 2 8
Chief Librarian 4 7 7 5 5 4 7 3 9

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: The Librarian may have Wargear cards as follows: Lexicanum, up to 1 card; Codicier, up to 2 cards; Epistolary, up to 3 cards; and Chief Librarian, up to 4 cards.

The Librarian may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear lists.

The Librarian may ride into battle on a horse for +7 pts.

SPECIAL: The Librarian has a psychic level as follows: Lexicanum, psychic level 1; Codicier, psychic level 2; Epistolary, psychic level 3; Chief Librarian, psychic level 4.

Apothecary……………………………..40 pts.

Apothecaries tend to the Chapter’s wounded and save the precious gene-seed of any fallen Sand Dragon warriors. For the Sand Dragons Chapter the geneseed is especially precious as few sand dragons are being created to fill the ranks that were recently decimated. The Sand Dragons MUST have at least one Apothecary per full 2000 pts. of army.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Apothecary 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: The Apothecary has a medi-pack and may also be given up to one 1 Wargear card.

The Apothecary may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Apothecary may be mounted on a Horse for +7 pts.

Techmarine……………………………..33 pts.

The tech marines are well versed in the lore of engines and machines. In any other Chapter they maintain the Chapter’s vehicles and support weapons, and can repair those that are damaged in battle. The Sand Dragons’ vehicles and Support weapons have almost all been deteriorated by the sands of their homeworld Arakis.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Techmarine 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: The Techmarine may have up to three Wargear cards.The Techmarine may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armor, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list. The Techmarine may be mounted on a Horse for +7 pts.

SPECIAL: For each vehicle or support weapon purchased for the army there must be one Techmarine. The Sand Dragons Chapter has very few remnants of vehicles and support weapons so the few that are pieced together are well taken care of.

Breakdown Rule: Each Techmarine has pieced together the particular piece of equipment out of the cannibalized remains of the initial equipment issued to the chapter. At the beginning of each turn roll a d6 for each piece of equipment. On a roll of a 1 or 2 the gear has failed to perform and may take no action. If the Techmarine assigned to that gear is able to move to the gear then he may roll on the repair chart as normal. If the gear is repaired then it may make a full move and fire. Any other roll means that the equipment malfunctions and may do nothing this round. The roll of hopeless only affects a vehicle that has been damaged by an outside source.

Veteran Sergeants…………………………….+5 pts.

Any Sand Dragon Squad may have a veteran Sergeant to replace the sergeant included in the lists.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Veteran Sergeant 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Wargear: The Veteran Sergeant may be given 1 Wargear card.


Tempest Terminator Tactical Armor Squads......................................57pts. per model

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Tempest Terminator 4 5 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Tempest Veteran/Sergeant 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

SQUAD: The squad consists of 3 to 6 Tempest Terminator Company Space Marines. One model must pay to upgrade to Storm Company Space Marine Sergeant and Each individual Space Marine may upgrade to veteran status at a cost of +10 pts each.

WEAPONS: Tempest Terminator Marines are armed with Power fist and storm bolter with targeter. The Space Marine Sergeant is armed with a Power Sword and Storm Bolter.

ARMOR: Terminator Tactical Armor (3+ save on 2d6).

WARGEAR: Up to one Model may replace his storm bolter with a weapon chosen from the Tempest Terminator Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Any number of models may replace their power fist with a weapon chosen from the Terminator Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Squad may be teleported into battle but their points value is increased by 50%.

SPECIAL: The Sand Dragons are so lacking terminator armor that they are unable to field full 5 man Terminator squads at all times. Leukion Kask has adapted by sending smaller fire teams or by combining two teams into one . The following still applies.
There may be a maximum of one Tempest squad per full 2,000 pts. The Sand Dragons are woefully short of Terminator Tactical Armor suits and are loathe to send those they have all to one battle.

Sand Storm Calvary Squads………………………42 pts. per model

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sand Storm Cavalry 4 5 4 4 4 1 5 1 8
Arakisian Horse 8 3 0 4 4 1 4 1 5

SQUAD: The Squad consists 3 to 7 Sand Storm Space Marines Mounted on Arakisian horses.

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, and Frag grenades.

ARMOR: Power armor (2+ save with calvary bonus)

WARGEAR: Any model may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault weapons section of the Wargear list. Up to two models may be equipped from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list The entire squad may be equipped with Blind Grenades at +2 pts/ model, and/or Krak Grenades at + 3 pts/ model and/or Melta-bombs at +5 pts/ model.

SPECIAL: Standard Calvary rules apply to Sand Storm Calvary Squads. This means that Sand Storm Calvary add their mounts’ attacks characteristics to their own (total of A:2) and may use the mounts’ Move characteristics.

Dispersed Formation: Sand Storm Calvary may use Dispersed Formation as described in the Squads section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Dragoon Devastator Squads…………………370 pts.

Dragoon Devastator squads are a development of Leukion Kask when he saw a need for forward emplaced heavy weapons and noted his lack of transport vehicles. The Dragoons ride the hearty Arakisian horses onto the battlefield and then dismount to entrench themselves and provide support. After the Heavy weapons section dismounts, the cover section may either dismount with them to provide support or may continue on into the battle as calvary.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Dragoon Marines 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Arakisian Horse 8 3 0 4 4 1 4 1 5

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 9 Space Marines.

WEAPONS: Bolter, Bolt pistol, and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save, 2+ when mounted)

WARGEAR: Up to four models may replace their bolters with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

SPECIAL: Standard Calvary rules apply to Dragoon Devastator Squads. This means that they add their mounts’ attacks characteristics to their own (total of A:2) and may use the mounts’ Move characteristics.

Dispersed Formation: Sand Storm Calvary may use Dispersed Formation as described in the Squads section of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook only when mounted. After they dismount they must regain standard squad coherency.

Heavy weapons may not be fired from horseback. The Heavy weapons section of the squad may dismount at the end of any turn. They lose no movement for doing so and therefore may fire the next turn as standard. Remember that when dismounted they must maintain Standard unit coherency.The second section may split after Heavy Weapons emplace. After escorting the Heavy weapons section, the remaining troops may become standard calvary troops.

Aspirant Tactical Squads……………………….255pts.

The Chapter is young and severely undermanned. The Sand Dragons have taken to promoting aspiring Marines early in order to fill the ranks of squads. These Rookies are well trained but lack any battle experience.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Aspirant Space Marine 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7
Space Marine Sergeant 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 9 Sand Dragon Aspirants.

WEAPONS: Bolter, Bolt pistol, and Frag grenades.

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: up to one model may replace his bolter with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear listUp to one model may replace his bolter with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +30 pts.

SPECIAL: The Aspirant squad follows the rules for Rapid fire but does not have the experience necessary to receive the Break test rule and will break as normal.

Tactical Squads…………………………..300 pts.

Tactical squads are highly flexible and tactically adaptable troops. They make up the majority of squads in most Space Marine Chapters.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 9 Space Marines

WEAPONS: Bolter, Bolt pistol, and Frag grenades.

ARMOR:Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: up to one model may replace his bolter with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list

Up to one model may replace his bolter with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +30 pts.

Assault Squads…………………………...300 pts.

Assault squads are equipped with close quarter weapons such as pistols and chainswords. They often wear jump packs, which enable them to leap over difficult terrain and move faster than ordinary troops.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 9 Space Marines

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: Any model may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Up to two models may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +20 pts. and/or Melta-bombs at a cost of +50 pts.

The entire squad may be equipped with jump packs at a cost of +50 pts. (If the squad is split into two combat squads at the start of the battle, then one or both may be equipped with jump packs at a cost of +25 pts. per five-man combat squad).

Devastator Squads………………………..300 pts.

Devastator squads are equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, which they use to bust open enemy tanks and strong points.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 9 Space Marines

WEAPONS: Bolter, Bolt pistol, and Frag grenades.

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: Up to four models may replace their bolter with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Scout Squads……………………………..100 pts.

Scouts are more lightly equipped than other Space Marines. They are trained to clear the way for the Space Marines, secure vital strongpoints, and scout the enemy’s firepower.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Scouts 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7
Space Marine Sergeant 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

SQUAD: The squad consists of 1 Space Marine Sergeant and 4 Space Marine Scouts.

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

ARMOR: Scout armor (4+ save).

WARGEAR: Any model may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Scout Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Up to one model may be equipped with a weapon chosen from either the Special Weapons or the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +15 pts.

SPECIAL: Infiltration and Dispersed Formation. Space Marine scouts may deploy onto the battlefield using the Infiltration rule as well as being able to use Dispersed Formation as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.Rapid Fire and Break Test. Note that as Scouts are not yet fully fledged Space Marines the Usual Break test and Rapid Fire rules do not apply.



Sand Dragons rely heavily on other Chapters for vehicular and support weapon support. If the terrain calls for up close and personal fighting however, the Sand Dragons can handle their own.

Sand Dragon Dreadnoughts…………see Sand Dragons Special Characters

Rapier Laser Destroyer………………………….65 pts.

A Sand Dragons army must include 1 Techmarine per support weapon

CREW: The Rapier Laser Destroyer has a crew of one servitor.

The Techmarine associated with the weapon may be used as additional crew or may fire the weapon himself if within 4”.

Tarantula………………………20 pts. + weapons

A Sand Dragons army must include 1 Techmarine per support weapon.

CREW: The Tarantula has a crew of 1 Servitor.

The Techmarine associated with the weapon may be used as additional crew or may fire the weapon himself if within 4”.

OPTIONS: The Tarantula may be armed with a pair of weapons of the same kind chosen from the list below at the cost indicated:

Twin-linked Lascannon +55
Multi-melta (counts as one Multi-melta NOT 2) +65
Twin-linked Missile launchers (with Krak missiles) +55
Twin-linked Autocannon +50
Twin-linked Heavy Bolters +30

Thudd Gun…………………………….45 pts.

A Sand Dragons army must include 1 Techmarine per support weapon

CREW: The Thudd Gun has a crew of one servitor.

The Techmarine associated with the weapon may be used as additional crew or may fire the weapon himself if within 4”.Sand Dragons

Special Characters:

Leukion Kask
Supreme Grand Master of the Sand Dragons
……………………140 pts + Wargear cards

Leukion Kask is the product of Gene seed splicing of Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, of the White Scars Chapter, and a Second Founding Chapter Grand Master. When several chapters had been decimated by the eternal struggles of the Adeptus Astartes; the Sand Dragons chapter was created to fill the void left by the loss of gene-seed. Leukion Kask was the first of this new Chapter to be born and was ordered into the Mentor Legion for training and observation. Leukion performed admirably and showed a distinct inclination towards new techniques and strategy.

After serving for 80 years in the Mentor legion, his Gene-seed was replicated and a new Chapter was formed. The planet Arakis was given over to the Chapter as a home. The Planet is a nearly lifeless orb with little water and metal corrosive sands.

Leukion Kask has had a distinguished career as a squad leader and as an Army Commander.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Leukion Kask 4 7 7 5 5 4 7 4 10

WEAPONS: Thunderhammer and Storm Shield, Grenade harness.

ARMOR: Terminator Armor (3+save on 2d6)

WARGEAR: As a mighty hero Leukion may have up to 3 Wargear cards. One of these will always be his grenade harness.

STRATEGY: Grand Master Leukion Kask is a wise and highly experienced commander but is widely Experimental in his approach to strategy. There are two special rules to cover this; the Strategy rating of the army is variable under Commander Kask. The Strategy rating is determined with a d3 +3. Likewise the number of strategy cards is variable by rolling a d6. (On a 1-2 the Sand Dragons receive one less card than normal, 3-4 they receive the standard number of cards, on a 5-6 the Army receives one extra strategy card).

SPECIAL: If Leukion is chosen he will be the leader of the Army. All persons within 12” of him Use his Leadership for break tests.


Grenade Pack.....................................+10pts

Leukion’s Terminator suit is specially adapted to carry a grenade pack similar to the one worn by Harlequin Warlocks and Troupe leaders (criedann). He would be able to shoot and use this pack both in the same round if otherwise armed. The pack carries only Frag grenades.

Kaen Steelarm, Sand Dragon Mech Master……………….45 pts. + Wargear (Servo-arm +15 pts. and Bionic Eye +5 pts.)

Any Sand Dragons army may include Kaen as a Techmarine.

Kaen is the current Mech Master of Arakis. He is the first of the Sand Dragons to finish his apprenticeship to the Adeptus Mechanicus and return to Arakis. He found the sands of Arakis had destroyed nearly all the initial equipment issued to the Chapter. He began to cannibalize parts from the remnants to create functional machines. During one such operation, an unskilled brother was assisting Kaen and created an explosion in a multi-melta that killed the brother and severely wounded Kaen. He asked the Apothecaries to graft his Servo-arm to his body to replace his now burned and destroyed right arm. Since that time, each piece of gear is closely guarded and maintained by the techmarines under his command.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Kaen Steelarm 4 6 5 4/6 4 1 5 2 10

WEAPONS: Bolt pistol and Frag grenades

ARMOR: Power armor (3+ save).

WARGEAR: Kaen may have up to three Wargear cards. Two will always be his Servo-arm and his Bionic Eye. The other may be chosen in the normal manner.

Kaen may be given additional equipment chosen from the Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

Kaen may be mounted on a Horse for +15 pts. If Kaen is mounted then he may not carry any heavy weapons. Kaen may be crew in any vehicle that is purchased as his equipment.

SPECIAL: Kaen has had his Servo-arm grafted to his body in place of his right arm. This allows him to lift heavy objects and heavy weapons with no movement penalties. The Servo-arm also allows Kaen an extra attack per turn. If he uses the Servo arm in Hand-to-Hand combat it raises his Strength to 6.

For each vehicle or support weapon purchased for the army there must be one Techmarine. The Sand Dragons Chapter has very few remnants of vehicles and support weapons so the few that are pieced together are well taken care of.

Kaen’s Breakdown Rule: At the beginning of each turn roll a d6 for Kaen’s piece of equipment. On a roll of a 1 the gear has failed to perform and may take no action. If Kaen may move to the gear then he may roll on the repair chart below. If the gear is repaired then it may make a full move and fire. Any other roll means that the equipment malfunctions and may do nothing this round. The roll of hopeless only affects a vehicle that has been damaged by an outside source. If Kaen is moved to a different piece of equipment it will break down on a standard 1 or 2 as Kaen was not directly responsible for it’s creation and maintenance.

1 Hopeless. Kaen may do nothing but speak a litany for the machines departing spirit

2-4 Possible Repair. The damage is extensive but the situation is not hopeless. The damage is not repaired this turn, but if Kaen works next turn the vehicle will be repaired on a roll of 3+, while a score of 1-2 indicates that the equipment is beyond repair. Kaen may do nothing else in turn that he is attempting a repair.

5-6 Repair. Kaen succeeds in putting good all damage sustained the previous round.

Dreadnoughts The Sand Dragons are so new as to only have Two dreadnoughts. The “Old Ones” that inhabit these hulking monsters were born of the First genesis of Leukion Kask and were still only 150 years old at the time of encasement. They have both grown accustomed to their bodies and are nearly as proficient in their own ways as the oldest of the Old Ones from other Chapters. Given time they will match the other Dreadnoughts in skill and finesse of their machine bodies.

Sangard FireFist………….…………….205 pts.

Vehicle Data

5 6 5 7 5 3 10

Ram Value:Strength 7
D10 Damage
-4 save

WEAPONS:Sangard is fitted with a Power fist with a built in Flamer(using standard template)as a left arm, and a Multi-melta as a right arm, Both weapons have a 90-degree field of fire to the front. See page 31 of the Angels of Death Codex for additional rules on Multi-melta and Power fist.Sangard has Auto Launchers with Frag grenades and Reinforced Armor as standard built in equipment. His lowered Move characteristic reflects this.

Aethan SandStorm………….…………….210 pts.

Vehicle Data

6 5 6 7 5 2 10

Ram Value:Strength 7
D10 Damage
-4 save

WEAPONS:Aethan is fitted with an Assault cannon as a right arm, and a Missile launcher with Frag and Krak missiles as a left arm, Both Weapons have a 90-degree field of fire to the front. See page 31 of the Angels of Death Codex for additional rules on Assault cannon and Missile launcher.Aethan has Ablative Armor as standard Equipment

For Both Dreadnoughts use the Standard Marine Dreadnought hit location and damage charts. Note that Sangard has +1 Armor value to all points from Reinforced Armor and that Aethan disregards the first damaging hit due to Ablative Armor (excluding distortion cannons, shokk attack, and graviton guns).

Painting and Modeling the Sand Dragons

The first note that should be mentioned is that the Sand Dragons have no armor types older than Mk7. The Chapter has been created after the advent of that armor and were all supplied with this armor type.

The sand dragons are painted with a semi-camoflaged color scheme.

The initial base coat I used was a spray paint from Rust-oleum, American Accents the color is called Maple Sugar. It's a light tan color that would match the sands of Arakis. All the protruding pads are colored in citadel's Vermin Fur brown. This means the shoulder pads (without raised rim), helmet basin,elbow and knee pads, gloves(without fingers), groin and butt plates, and feet are painted as well as the exhaust nozzles on the back pack. The helmet ridge, chest eagle, and the topcentral portion of the backpack are painted gold. Sergeants and higher are marked with the left shoulder pad rim painted blood red as well as all eye lenses and chest gems. I used Chail mail for the secondary exhausts on the backpack and trim on the weapons, cables on the helmet, helmet trim, and pistol butt.

I have not yet gotten around to devising a badge for the unit but I will soon. Thinking a winged snake in a triangle. Should be simple to do.

Each troop type is given a transfer from the Ultra marines transfers... I don't have my figures with me but tactical troops have tactical transfer and so on.....Dragoons get a devastator patch. Aspirants get standard Tactical squad patch.

The Sand Dragons have a varient paint scheme. All officers and support staff have a similar painting to the rest of the chapter. Instead of having librarians Blue and Tech marines red, all troops are painted in standard Sand Dragons colors. Leukion Kask has determined that having valuble troops identified for the enemy is a bad idea as this tends to get them targetted easier on the battle field. The only Characters not painted in Sand Dragons colors are the Chaplains and they are painted the standard Chaplain black. The only identifier on special troops are the shoulder badges and equipment that they carry.

A Note by Ragnar: I cannot recommend the use of Rustoleum paint, as it has a very coarse pigmentation, and has a tendency to obscure details. I would advise finding a matching colour in the Model Masters, Pactra, or AeroPro line of spray paints. I would also recommend primering your figures with Floquil white primer before spraying on the base colour. The Floquil primer will etch itself into the surface of the figure, giving a much better bond than normal coloured paints will give.

Sand Dragons Company Organisation

First off all companies have a captain, librarian, apothecary,and chaplain support. All companies also have the standard support staff for day to day activities of the chapter.

1st company - Tempest and Sandstorm Veterans. All cross trained to perform either task.

2nd company- 4 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastaor, 1 Dragoon Devastator, and 1 Aspirant squad

3rd company- 4 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastaor, 1 Dragoon Devastator, and 1 Aspirant squad

4th company- 4 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastaor, 1 Dragoon Devastator, and 1 Aspirant squad

5th company- 4 Tactical, 2 Assault, 2 Devastaor, 1 Dragoon Devastator, and 1 Aspirant squad

6th company- 10 Tactical Squads

7th company- 10 Assault Squads

8th company- 6 Devastator Squads, 4 Dragoon Devastator Squads

9th company- 10 Aspirant tactical Squads

10th company- Scout company

The few support weapons and Techmarines are considered outside of Company boundaries and comprise a nominal 11th Company called the Tech Division. Vehicles and support weapons are drawn from this pool as nessessary by order of Leukion Kask.

Back to Adeptus Astartes.

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