New Equipment for 40K

by Quinton Woeppel

All Troop Types:

Telescopic Sights………..+1pts per model (All models in a squad must be equipped with sights)

Telescopic sights are simple but effective optical aid to accuracy. The sights must be affixed to any pistol, basic, or special weapon to increase the shooters chance to hit at range. A telescopic sight requires concentration to use and is only a benefit to shooters who stop and aim carefully. Any model with this equipment must have Sights modeled onto the weapon it is attached to.


Double Short Range: A fighter who uses a telescopic sight may double the short range band of any weapon fitted with the device. i.e. short range on a bolt pistol becomes 16". The telescopic sight does not effect the maximum range of the weapon and in some cases all shots will therefore count as short range.

Move or Fire: A fighter using a telescopic sight must aim his weapon carefully and therefore may not move in a round that he wishes to use the Telescopic Sight benefits.

Overwatch: The sight is no advantage against a suddenly appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or at a charging target while on overwatch.

Scanner……………1 pt. (up to 2 per squad)

A scanner detects living matter and energy concentrations of any kind. It is a small device that can be worn on the carrier’s belt or around the neck. Readings will indicate concentrations of tissue and energy such as groups of creatures or vehicles. The scanner is capable of differentiating between animals and vegetation, and can read through rock up to 5 meters thick. Any model with this equipment must have a scanner modeled onto it.


Detect Hidden: A scanner automatically detects hidden troops within 24"

Infra-red Goggles……………+1 pt. per model

This piece of war gear may be taken by as many models in a squad as the player wishes. The goggles or visor allows a model to see thermal images of enemy models who are hiding or in cover. Any models with this equipment must have goggles or a visor modeled onto them.


Spot Hidden: A model wearing Infra-red Goggles can spot hidden enemies at 3X his Initiative distance rather than just his Initiative distance in inches alone.

Cancels Smoke: A model with Infra-red goggles may shoot any weapon through smoke with no penalty.

Flash Blindness: A model wearing Infra-red Goggles who is the target of a photon flash grenade is automatically blinded. They may recover as normal.

Photo-Visor………+1 pt. per model

A photo visor is a special visor that enhances vision in poor light conditions. It also incorporates a photochromatic layer that protects the wearer against sudden bright flashes. Any model with this equipment must have a visor modeled onto them.


Flash: A fighter wearing a Photo-Visor saves as protective visored as in WH40K Wargear book (pg.62)

Smoke: A model wearing a Photo-Visor can see and move as normal through smoke.

(Note: this gear is really only useable by Orks, Cultists, Ogryns, and Brood Brothers and maybe Beastmen)

Respirator…………….+1 pts. per model

All models in a squad must take Respirators. A respirator is a small sealed air unit which allows a possibility for troops to avoid the effects of toxins and poisons that they would otherwise breathe. Any models with this equipment must be modeled to include a respirator of some sort.


Poison Save: Any time a model wearing a respirator is affected by any inhaled substance then one re-roll may be made to avoid the effects. This affects most gas grenades as well as the Virus grenade and any similar effects from missiles or otherwise.

Scout and Assassins Wargear:

Infra-red Sight………+1 pt.

The infra-red sight is similar to a telescopic sight in that it must be fitted to a specific weapon, be it a pistol, basic, or special weapon. The sight is calibrated to register infra-red light rather than visible light. The enhanced image which appears in the sight makes it very easy to pick out targets that are behind cover. A Infra-red sight requires concentration to use and is only a benefit to shooters who stop and aim carefully. Any model with this equipment must have the infrared sight modeled onto the weapon it is attached to.


Cancels Cover: A model that uses an Infra-red sight may reduce the penalty for shooting at an enemy in cover by 1. So, a target in soft cover is considered to have no cover and a target in hard cover counts only a –1 modifier to hit rather than the regular –2. A weapon equipped with Infra-red sights may also shoot through smoke with no penalties.

Single Shot: The to hit bonus of the Infra-red sight only apply so long as the weapon it is attached to fires only a single shot. If the player wishes to use sustained fire then the bonus does not apply as kick back and smoke will ruin all further shots.

Overwatch: The sight is no advantage against a suddenly appearing or fleeting target. The bonus does not therefore apply if shooting at an appearing or disappearing target or at a charging target while on overwatch.

Cameleoline Cloaks…………. +6pts. per model

Cameleoline is a rare artificial substance which can be woven into the structure of most fabrics. Morphic polymer chains in the material automatically take on the colors and textures of their surroundings. The result is that after a second or two motionless the wearer appears to fade into the background. Any model using this equipment must have a cloak modeled onto them in some manner.


Chameleon Protection: All shots fired at a stationary model wearing cameleoline suffer a –1 to hit modifier in addition to modifiers for cover etc.

Hiding: A model wearing a Cameleoline Cloak may hide anywhere. This includes in the open. If the model moved to a position of hiding then the –1 modifier to hit is not used but the model uses all rules for hiding. If the model is hiding in cover then troops that move into position to see the hiding model or move within their Initiative distance will only detect him rather than spotting him.

Silencer…………+6 pts. per model

A silencer is a barrel attachment that reduces the sound of a weapon firing. Most Silencers also contain a flash suppressor which hides any muzzle flash or discharge. This allows the shooter to remain undetected by enemy troops. Any model with this equipment must have a silencer attachment modeled onto the weapon it is intended for.


Single Shot: A model using a Silenced weapon may only fire a single shot. Any sustained fire will not work with the Silencer and all further benefits will be lost for that round.

Hiding: A model using a Silenced weapon may fire from hiding with out giving away his position and therefore is able to remain in hiding after firing his weapon.

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