Army Selection and Wargear List

Army Selection


50% Up to half of the army may be chosen from the Characters section of the army list.



At least a quarter of the points value of the army must be chosen from the Squads section of the list. You may spend more then 25% of your points on squads if you wish.



Up to half of the points value of the army may be chosen from the Support section of the army list.

Wargear List

The following charts list additional wargear that may be carried by Space Marine characters or troops. Any limitations as to availability are indicated on the charts themselves. Note that some items are also avalable as wargear cards - these items are available to the Space Marines much more readily than to some other armies, hence they are included as wargear which can be purchased. Such items are not Wargear cards and do not affect a character's ability to carry other equipment in the form of Wargear cards.


Character models may be equipped with Terminator
armoured suits instead of their usual power armour and
weaponry. If you choose this option, then you may choose
no further items from the Wargear lists, including further
Terminator heavy or assault weapon options.

Terminator armour with stormbolter,

targeter and power fist.

Terminator armour

with lightning claws

Terminator armour with

thunder hammer and storm shield

Terminator armour with

storm bolter, targeter and chainfist

Terminator armour with

storm bolter, targeter and power sword.

Special Weapons

Special weapons may be carried by models indicated in the
lists. A modle may carry only a single special weapon.

Boltgun 3
Flamer 9
Meltagun 8
Plasma gun 8
Assault Weapons

Assault weapons may be carried by models indicated in the
lists and each model may carry an unlimited number.

Chainsword 2
Power axe 7
Power fist 10
Power maul 6
Power sword 6
Bolt pistol 2
Hand flamer 7
Plasma pistol 5
Terminator Assault Weapons

Terminator assault weapons may be carried by a
Terminator Space Marine as indicated in the lists. A
Terminator armed with a thunder hammer and storm shield
or a pair of lightning claws may have no other weapons.

Power sword (sergeants only) free
Lightning claws (pair) free
Chainfist 2
Thunder hammer and stom shield 6
Terminator Heavy Weapons

Terminator heavy weapons may be carried by a Terminator
Space Marine as indicated in the lists.

A model may only carry a single heavy weapon. All of the
weapons on the chart below include a targeter in the points

Storm bolter and Cyclone missile launcher 59
Assault cannon 41
Heavy flamer 21
Reaper autocannon 31
Heavy Weapons

Heavy weapons may be carried by models indicated in the
army lists. Note that characters may not carry a heavy
weapon from this list.

A model may carry only a single heavy weapon. All of the
weapons on the chart below include a targeter in the points

Autocannon 25
Heavy bolter 15
Extra to include Hellfire shells

for the above

Lascannon 45
Missile Launcher 45
Extra to include Melta Missiles

for the above

Extra to include Anti-plant missiles

for the above

Extra to include Plasma missiles

for the above

Multi-melta 65
Heavy Plasma gun 40

The following grenades may be carried by any character
models as indicated in the lists. Grenades are not available
to other models except where they are included as wargear
within the lists themselves.

A models may carry any number of these grenade types.

A model carrying one or more of the following grenade
types is assumed to have sufficient grenades to
last for the duration of the battle.

Blind grenades 2
Frag grenades 2
Krak grenades 3
Melta Bombs 5
Plasma grenades 3
Photon flash 2
Scout Weapons

The following weapons may be selected for Scouts as
indicated on the lists. A Scout model may carry any number
of these items.

Autogun 1
Boltgun 3
Chainsword 2
Needle snipe rifle 10
Shotgun 2
Sword or axe 1
Dreadnought Weapons

Dreadnoughts may be armed with any two of the following
weapons. All Dreadnought weapons have targeters.

Multi-melta 65
Power fist with built-in storm bolter 15
Assault cannon 45
Missile Launcher

with Frag and Krak missiles

Multi-Melta 65
Twin lascannons 55
Twin heavy bolters 30
Heavy flamer with with built-in storm bolter 30
Heavy plama gun 40
Lightning claw with built-in heavy flamer 37
Thunder hammer 20
Havoc Missile Launcher 30
Terminator Combi-Weapons

Any model may replace their stormbolter with
one of the following at the points cost indicated.

Twin bolter +2
Bolter / Flamer Combi +8
Bolter / Meltagun Combi +8

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