The Infinity Legion

by Ender Boulais


The Infinity Legion was among the Original 20 Space Marine Legions, It is also one of the two erased from Imperial Records. Primarch Exodus led his troops in the attack on Istvaan V to try to pry loose Horus's forces. However, their attack was doomed to failure as the reinforcement Space Marine chapters turned to Horus and attacked the Loyal Chapters from the rear. As the attack commenced, Exodus could see that open battle would only get his Marines slain to a man. When all hope of victory was lost he ordered a new strategy. His entire chapter was ordered to fall back and go into hiding anywhere possible. Entire companies fell back into cavernous networks beneath Istvaan V or into the depths of captured fortresses and cities. Horus had these places scoured and many Infinity Legion Marines were flushed out and destroyed. However, the process was time consuming, and Horus believed he had to press his advantage and attack Earth before the Emperor was fully prepared. Believing most of the Infinity Legion destroyed and taking most of his Legions with him he left only a small garrison behind to hunt down and destroy any remaining Loyal Marines that might have survived on Istvaan V. Once the Warmaster had left, Exodus gathered his forces that remained and they renewed their attack. At the same time the siege of Earth was taking place, the battle for Istvaan V was being fought as hundreds of Infinity Legion Space Marines assaulted the remaining Chaos positions on Istvaan V. The Infinity Legion's hatred for their fallen brethren was limitless, and soon every last tainted warrior was slain. By this time Horus had been defeated. As the Chaos Legions fled to the Eye of Terror, Exodus and the Infinity Legion took to ships and followed immediately on their trail. Nothing could stop or even slow their pursuit, and they followed them into the very heart of the Eye of Terror. There they have been fighting the most bitter and hardest battles of the Long War, in Exodus's endless hunt of the Fallen Primarchs and their wicked children.

In the 41st Millenium:

Today, the Infinity Legion is by far the most isolated of the Loyal Chapters of Space Marines. They still fight for the Emperor, and their survival in the Warp has been attributed to their utter devotion, since it is believed that the Emperor's spirit roams the Warp battling daemons. It is even rumored that Exodus has spoken to the Emperor's shade on more than one occasion. Now, the Legion has begun to turn its sights outwards, toward the protection of the Imperium outside of the Eye of Terror. But they are far from accepted. The Millenia in the Warp has taught them much and with the help of the Emperor they have learned to control it in ways that the weak willed Chaos Marines could not hope to have. The first of these is the ability to warp space to create gateways into the real world wherever they like, often appearing out of nowhere, an entire army that has fought for the Imperium on more then one occasion. However they are far from accepted in the Imperium. Their older armour, tendency to appear from the Warp, and the lack of any records has caused them to be branded a Traitor Legion by the High Lords of Terra. However, not all members of the Imperium believe the same way. The Dark Angels chapter is one of these. On many occasions, Dark Angels have traveled deep into the Eye in search of The Fallen. Sometimes they have over extended themselves and found themselves trapped and outnumbered. On those occasions the Infinity Legion has often come to their aid, helping them destroy their foes and often opening a way home for them. This has caused a rather secret, if wary, alliance to be formed between the two chapters. Another chapter that are allies of them are the Blood Angels who have a certain kinship with the Infinity Legion, because they are both Loyal to the Emperor yet are feared and distrusted by the rest of the Imperium. The Infinity Legion has proven its loyalty in battle alongside the Blood Angels many times. These contacts have allowed the Infinity Legion full access to Post-Heresy Equipment, and not having the aversion to change that many Chaos Marines do, they greatfully accept the supplies to assist them in their battles against Chaos.

The color scheme.

The Infiity Legion wears Gold Armour with silver around badges and silver gun casings.   They have white belts and white eagles on thier chests.  All Veterans where White Capes just like the Captain.

Daemoin Binding:

Another ability of the Infinity Legion that also greatly attributes to them being called a Traitor Legion is their ability to bind Daemons. It is a long and difficult process. It involves powerful Librarians dragging the Daemons through the Warp against their will where a Chaplain uses his Strength of Will and Faith in the Emperor to bind the Daemon to his command.

The rules for this are worked out like this: Daemons can be purchased from the Chaos Lists at an additional 50% points cost and are deployed on the board at the start of the battle. A Chaplain must be present to control them. A Chaplain can control five lesser Daemons or a single greater daemon. Additional daemons require additional Chaplains. During the battle, in every rally phase, a leadership test must be made for every daemon on the battle field. The Leadership of the chaplain with the Highest Leadership may be used for all tests. The test is made on 3d6 for greater daemons, 2d6 for most daemons, and 1d6 for nurglings. If the test is failed the Daemon immediately flees back to the Warp and is removed from the battle field as a casualty. If a chaplain is killed during the battle and there is no longer enough to control the Daemons, then in the rally phase the Infinity Legion player must choose which Daemons flee to the warp. Then tests are made for remaining Daemons as normal. Daemons may be of any Chaos God and the rules for Daemon animostity do apply to bound Daemons.

Special Rules:

The rules for Rapid Fire and Break tests apply. In addition, all memebers of the Infinity Legion are immune to Psychology. Being in the Warp facing Daemons for ten millenia has left them rather indifferent to personal danger. Also, they HATE all Chaos Space Marines for obvious reasons. Another point to mention is that all squads may teleport into battle for the additional 50% . This represents their ability to open gates through the warp. Also, any character may teleport into battle free of cost. However they cannot teleport down alone and must go down with a squad. Note that a Chaplain that isn't placed on the board from the beginning of the game can't control daemons.

0-1 Captain......................111 points

The Captain may be your army commander. Note that if the army includes any other characters that could be the army commander then you must nominate which will command your army.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Captain 4 7 7 5 5 3 7 3 10

Weapons Storm bolter and power sword

Armour Power armour (3+ save on D6).

Wargear The Captain may have up to 3 Wargear cards.

The Captain may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Terminator Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Strategy If the Captain is taken as the army commander he has a strategy rating of 5.

Special If the Captain is the army commander then any Infinity Legion units within 12" of him may use his Leadership when taking a Leadership test.

0-1 Company Standard...................................60 points

The Space Marine army may include up to one Company Standard. the standard is carried by a veteran Space Marine who has been specially chosen for his skill and bravery.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Weapons Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear The Standard Bearer may have up to 1 Wargear card.

The Standard Bearer may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Standard Bearer may ride a bike at a cost of +20 points.

Specail Any Infinity Legion units that are within 12" of the Standard Bearer may re-roll the dice if they fail a Break test.


Champion...........................58 points

Hero.....................................94 points

Master Chaplain.................155 points

The Chaplains administer the rites of the Chapter, perfrom the ancient ceremonies of Initiation and Vindication, and chant the liturgies of battle as they lead their brothers into war.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9
4 6 6 5 5 2 6 2 9
4 7 7 5 5 3 7 3 10

Weapons Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear A Chaplain has a crozius arcanum and a rosarius (4+ unmodified save). The cost of these items is included in his points value.

The Chaplain may have up to 2 Wargaer cards.

The Chaplain may be given Additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Chaplain may ride a bike at a cost of +20 points.


Lexicanium............58 points

Codicier.................102 points

Epistolary..............162 points

Chief Librarian......225 points

Space Marine Librarians are trained to make use of their innate psychic powers to unleash devastating attacks on the enemy.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Lexicanium 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Codicier 4 5 5 5 5 2 5 1 8
Epistolary 4 6 6 5 5 3 6 2 8
Chief Librarian 4 7 7 5 5 4 7 3 9

Weapons Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear The Librarian may have Wargear cards as follows: Lexicanium, up to 1 card; Codicier, up to 2 cards; Epistolary, up to 3 cards; Chief Librarian, up to 4 cards.

The Librarian may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Librarian may ride a bike at +20 points.

Special The Librarian has a psychic level as follows: Lexicanium, psychic level 1; Codicier, psychic level 2; Epistolary, psychic level 3; Chief Librarian, psychic level 4.

Apothecary.............................45 points

Apothecaries tend the Chapter's wounded and save the precious gene-seed of any fallen Space Marine warriors.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Apothecary 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Weapons Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear The Apothecary has a medi-pack and may also be given up to one Wargear card.

The Apothecary may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, Special Weapons and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Apothecary may ride a bike at a cost of +20 points.

Techmarine....................................38 points

Techmarines are versed in the lore of engines and support weapons. They maintain the Chapter's vehicles and support weapons, and can repair those that are damaged in battle.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Techmarine 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Weapons Bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear The Techmarine may have up to 3 Wargear cards.

The Techmarine may be given additional equipment chosen from the Armour, Assault Weapons, Special Weapons, Special Weapons and Grenades sections of the Wargear list.

The Techmarine may ride a bike at a cost of +20 points.

Special The army may have a maximum of 3 Servitor models operating support weapons per Techmarine that is in the army.

Veteran Sergeants................................+5 points

Any Space Marine Assault, Tactical, Devastator or Scout squad may replace its ordinary sergeant with a Veteran Sergeant for an additional cost of +5 points. Veteran Sergeants are the survivors of many campaigns and bring with them a wealth of experience and battle knowledge.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Weapons Same as Sergeant he replaces.

Armour Same as Sergeant he replaces.

Wargear A Veteran Sergeant may have up to 1 Wargear card.

A Veteran Sergeant may be given additional equipment chosen from the options available to the Sergeant he replaces.

Terminator Squads.....................................340 points

The Terminators are the most experienced and battle-hardened Space Marines of the Infinity Legion. They fight with a determination and fearlessness far beyond normal Marines.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Terminators 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Squad The squad consists of 1 Terminator Sergeant and 4 Terminator Space Marines.

Weapons Power fist and storm bolter with targeter.

Armour Terminator armour (3+ save on 2D6).

Wargear Up to two models may replace their storm bolters with a weapon chosen from the Terminator Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear List.

Any number of models may replace their power fist with a weapon chosen from the Terminator Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be teleported into battle but their points value is increased by 50%.

Special Rules

Immune to Psychology. The Infinity Legion Terminators are completely fearless in the face of horrors that would drive a normal man insane. Therefore, they cannot be affected by fear or terror and are immune to all psychological effects.

Assault Squad........................................175 points

Assault squads are equipped with close quarter weapons such as pistols and chainswords. They often leap over difficult terrain and move faster than ordinary troops.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolt pistol, Krak and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear Any model may be equipped with weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Up to two models may be equipped with a weapon chosen fron the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +10 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Melta bombs at a cost of +25 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Photon Flash grenades at a cost of +10 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with jump packs at a cost of + 25 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Devastator Squad................................................175 points

Devastator squads are equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, which they use to burst open enemy tanks and strongpoints.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolter, bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear Up to two models may replace their bolters with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Scout Combat Squad..................................210 points

Scouts are more lightly armoured than other Space Marines. They are trained to clear the way for the Space Marines, secure vital strongpoints, and scout the enemy's firepower.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sergeant 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Marines 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolt pistol, Bolt Gun and Frag Grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear Any model may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Scout Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Up to two models may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons and/or Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +15 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +10 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Scout Assault Squad..................................210 points

Scouts are more lightly armoured than other Space Marines. They are trained to clear the way for the Space Marines, secure vital strongpoints, and scout the enemy's firepower.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Sergeant 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8
Marines 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolt pistol, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Wargear Any model may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Scout Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Up to two models may be equipped with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons and/or Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Melta bombs at a cost of +25 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +10 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Tactical Squad..................................175 points

Tactical squads are highly flexible and tactically adaptable troops. They make up the majority of squads in most Space Marine Chapters.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolter, bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Up to one model may replace his bolter with a weapon chosen from the Heavy Weapons or Special Weapons sections of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons and/or Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +15 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Combat Squad..................................175 points

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad The squad consists of 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons Bolter, bolt pistol and Frag grenades.

Armour Power armour (3+ save).

Up to two models may replace their bolter with a weapon chosen from the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The Space Marine Sergeant may be equipped with additional weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons and/or Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +15 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +10 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Jump Packs at a cost of +25 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Bike Squadron...............................250 points

Well armed and highly mobile, Space Marine bike squadroms make excellent reconnaissance troops and are used to seize positions before the enemy can reach them.

Troop Type M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Space Marine 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8

Squad: 1 Sergeant and 4 Marines.

Weapons: Bolt Pistols, Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades.

Armour: Power Armour (3+ save).

Wargear: Any model may be equipped with weapons chosen from the Assault Weapons section of the Wargear list.

Any model not riding an Attack Bike may be equipped with a weapon chosen fron the Special Weapons section of the Wargear list.

The entire squad may be equipped with Blind grenades at a cost of +10 points.

The entire squad may be equipped with Krak grenades at a cost of +15 points.

Any pair of marines may trade thier bikes for an attack bike at no extra points cost.   An attack bike may be given a heavy weapon at the appropriate additional points.

Support In addition to the 5 normal bikes the squadron may include up to 1 Space Marine attack bike at a cost of 110 points.

Special: May upgrade to Veteran Sergeant for 5 points or veteran squad for 15 points.

Veterans..........................................+15 points

Any Squad may be raised to Veteran status with the following stats at +15 points per 5-Marine squad.

4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

Land Speeder Squadron..........................135 each
1-3 Land Speeders.
Infinity Legion Land Speeders are equipped with Heavy Flamers and Assault Cannons.
Bolt Pistols, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades.
See Datafax

Daemons come from the support section.
Allies may be chosen from the Angels of Death, Eldar, and Squats Codexes.
Otherwise the support section is the same as that for the Ultramarines.

Primarch Exodus.........................440
  Honor Guards................................420

Stats M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Exodus 5 8 8 6 6 4 8 4 10
Honor Guards 4 5 5 4 4 1 5 1 9

If taken Exodus must be the armies commander.

Exodus's Equipment:  Terminator Armour, Nemesis Force Weapon, Psycannon,
Warp Jump, Displacer Field.

Exodus is a level four psyker:
  Tertiary-Librarian, Adeptus

Body Guards:  Power Armour, Bolt Pistols, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades,  Boltguns. Powerfists, Displacer Fields, Warp Jumps.

Special Rules:  Break Tests, Rapid fire, Psychology Immunity, Hatred of Chaos Marines.
The entire squad may teleport into battle at no additional cost.
When Exodus uses his warp Jump,  His whole squad jumps.  But only one deviation role is made.  Exodus deviates, then the rest of the squad are placed within 2" of him.

Editor's Note:

This army list contains many non-standard rules, and you will have to make up your mind as to whether to use them or not.  You should always get the consent of your opponents before using any non-standard rules.  Many of the things in this list go against the background of the 40K universe, and rulings by Games Workshop.  The creator of this list has put a lot of work into it, and he should be commended for his effort.   -Ragnar

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