All dragons in each squad must be of the same type as various species do not get along well with each other. An Exodite Hero may not join a squad with a differing Dragon species if he is mounted.
Knight Dragons:..........25 pts
These are the standard Dragons that most Exodites ride into battle. Barely larger than a horse this is the most commmon mount for Exodite Dragon Knights.
Special Rules:
Cause Fear: Exodites ride large reptiles called Dragons which cause fear in their opponents. See the Fear rules in the psychology section of the Warhammer 40K Rulebook for details.
Calvary: Dragon mounted Exodites are calvary of a very special sort. This means that the Dragons
Toughness and Wounds are never used, as attacks against calvary always use the rider's Toughness and Wounds values. Whereas other calvary gain a +1 armor save bonus, Dragon
Knights and Cavaliers gain a +3 armor save bonus. Calvary models also add the attack value of the mount to that of the rider when fighting in Hand to Hand combat
Phoenix Dragons:...........31 pts.
These are the next most common Dragons that are employed by Exodites. These are Dragons that are able to breathe fire. The Knights are able to harness this energy to good effect.
Troop type | M |
WS |
BS |
S |
T |
W |
I |
A |
Ld |
Phoenix Dragon | 8 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Special Rules:
Cause Fear: Exodites ride large reptiles called Dragons which cause fear in their opponents. See the Fear rules in the psychology section of the Warhammer 40K Rulebook for details.
Calvary: Dragon mounted Exodites are calvary of a very special sort. This means that the Dragons
Toughness and Wounds are never used, as attacks against calvary always use the rider's Toughness and Wounds values. Whereas other calvary gain a +1 armor save bonus, Dragon
Knights and Cavaliers gain a +3 armor save bonus. Calvary models also add the attack value of the mount to that of the rider when fighting in Hand to Hand combat.
Fire Breather: On any turn that the Knight does not shoot in the shooting phase he may direct his dragon to breathe fire with his knees and command. Work this out as a Standard Flamer (using template) in the front 90 degree arc of the dragons snout.
Hawk Dragons:...............25 pts.
These are the most rare of Dragons. They appear very much like pteradactyls. They are capable of carrying the Exodite Knight into the sky. The Dragon is trained to carry the Knight in a sling underneath them as they fly. They are incapable of landing while carrying the Knight who is picked up on the fly and caught in a special landing nest when they wish to be dropped.
Troop type | M |
WS |
BS |
S |
T |
W |
I |
A |
Ld |
Hawk Dragon | 16 |
3 |
0 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
Special Rules:
Calavary Bonus: Knights who "ride" a Hawk Dragon, or are carried by one at any rate, do not receive the standard Calvary bonus to their Armor rolls as they are far more likely to be hit from fire below.
Movement: Hawk dragons move more like Dreadnoughts than like infantry. Every turn after the first up to 90 degrees costs 2" of movement and the Dragon is allowed one free turn up to 90 degrees at the beginning and the end of movement. If they are not slowed down by the Knight to fire they may double the move rate as normal. There is no flying high with Hawk Dragons as they are unable to gather enough lift to carry them and the Knight much higher than 30-40 feet. All opponents shooting at them must add 3" to the range to account for their altitude unless they are at least one story up and then you need add nothing. The Dragon must move a minimum of 4" each turn and may not land or hover.
Dismounting:The Knight may NOT jump out of the saddle at ANY time. He is attached to the guiding cables and attachment harness and may only dismount in a Drop Nest. One may be purchased for the battle at a cost of 10 pts. The Knight may become unlimbered from his harness in one round following a drop. It takes two rounds to re-equip and one more for the Dragon to make a catching pass and pick up the Knight again.
Hand to Hand Combat: Hawk Dragon Knights are almost never armed with a Laser lance and are generally armed with a Shuriken Catapult. Most Hawk Knights also carry a Swooping Hawk Grenade Pack.
Hand to hand Combat with a Hawk Dragon is hazardous to the Dragon and any hits will cause it to spin out of control and kill it and the Knight. They are not capable of Hit and Run attacks because of this danger. Only other flying opponents may attack them in hand to hand.
0-1 Exodite Rhinodon…………..120 points + weapons
The major use of the Rhinodon is armoured support. The Rhinodon is incredibally tough, and can sustain massive damage. It is also very strong, and can carry up to two support weapons on special mountings on its back. Another major use is a living battering ram, as the Rhinodon possesses a very hard skull and three razor sharp horns on it's eyebrows and snought. The massive bulk of the creature makes it ideal for storming military positions.
Troop | M |
WS |
BS |
S |
T |
W |
I |
A |
Ld |
Rhinodon | 8 |
4 |
0 |
7 |
9 |
10 |
1 |
3 |
3 |
Special Rhinodon Rules
Causes Terror: The giant bulk of a Rhinodon bearing down on the enemy is often too much to bear. The Rhinodon causes terror when charging.
Hide of Stone: The Rhinodon has very thick skin, which gives it a 3+ save.
Targetting the Rhinodon: Since the Rhinodon is a large riding beast, it is quite likely that shots at the rider will hit it, and vice versa. Any shots at the creature and rider will be resolved as such. On a D6 roll of 1-4, the shot hits the Rhinodon. On a 5, it hits the weapon closest to the shooter. On a 6, it hits the Exodite Mighty Hero. If a weapon is hit, it is considered to have an armour value of 10. If penetrated, it is destroyed
Arnaments: Because of their great strength and resilience, the Rhinodon may be armed with heavy weapons to support the Exodites in battle. Note that for this to be possible there must be at least one Exodite guardian squad in the army.
Lascannon | 1 for 35 pts, 2 for 80 pts |
Scatter Laser | 1 for 35 pts, 2 for 80 pts |
Heavy Plasma Gun | 1 for 30 pts, 2 for 70 pts. |
These weapons are operated by the Exodite Beast Master. If he fires these weapons, he may not fight it hand-to-hand combat that turn. If dual weapons are mounted then they may fire at separate targets at a -1 BS to both shots.
Ram: For the use of storming strongholds, the Rhinodon may be goaded into ramming a wall or structure with incredible force. Treat this like a charge. The force of this ram is very large indeed. The armour penetration is d6+d20+d10+8. For infantry purposes, it's a Str. 8 attack, and has a -6 modifier.
Pea Brain: The Rhinodon is not known for it's intelligence, and indeed is sometimes hard to control because of its stupidity. It suffers stupidity as described in the Rulebook. If it fails this stupidity test, it is possible that it goes berserk. Roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the Rhinodon has been spooked by something on the battlefield, and it is now uncontrollable. The rider is thrown off in this situation, and it will use its Ram attack on the nearest squad, whether it be friendly or enemy. It will continue to ram the nearest moving object(s) for the remainder of the game.
Carnosaur: The Rhinodon and Carnosaur are naturally mortal enemies. If the Rhinodon is present, then there cannot be a Carnosaur, and vice versa. You may wish to ignore this rule and include both in an army, but if they get within 20" of each other, they will automatically attack one another. They cannot be removed from this state, and the best thing that the riders of each creature can do is jump off and watch. The automatically engage in hand to hand combat, both counting as charging. Work out the combat. The winner, tired and problably hurt in the struggle, wanders off to nurse it's wounds and rest. Neither beast will use any special attacks in combat. For full rules on the Carnosaur, consult the corresponding Citadel Journal.
The Rhinodon uses ideas from the Megadon on Mike Freeman's site.