Though Shokosu is the High Priest of Darashni Farseer Dorcha is the oldest, and wisest of the Farseers. His name is translated as elusive one and it is all to appropriate, Fate seems to guide his course and protect him, he has evaded the demons of the warp and assassination attempts for centuries. He is a master at foreseeing the lines of fate and before a battle he is often able to subtly glean the enemies plans from their minds. Unlike Shokosu who prefers to be in the center with his troops battling the enemies personally, Dorcha prefers to wait in the back moving the lines of fate to guide his forces to victory while unleashing devastating psychic attacks on key sections of the enemies forces, make no mistake of his fighting abilities however, after all he has had a millennia to practice them.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
5 | 7 | 7 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3 | 10 |
Armor: Rune Armor (4+ unmod. save).
Wargear: Dorcha may have up to three wargear cards, one must be Witch Blade.
Strategy: 4
Commander Dorcha may lead an Eldar force if it does not contain an Avatar. If he leads the army, the usual rules for an army commander apply.
Psyker Dorcha is a Farseer with a psychic mastery level of 4.
Precognitive Ability Dorcha's manipulation of the webs of fate and ability to glean the minds of his enemies adds to his strategy rating. Before setup make a leadership test, if passed roll an extra +D3 his strategy rating.
Elusive One Asuryan himself must be watching over Dorcha, for Farseer Dorcha has escaped early admission to a spirit stone. The daemons of the warp constantly hunt for his soul, but Dorcha has always managed to elude them to represent this he is affected by daemonic attack only on a roll of a 6 on 1d6 like the Grey Knights. Also against ANY attacks psychic, shooting, hth, etc, Dorcha recieves a 5+ unmodified save in addition to his rune armour (fate roll).