Doc Snippitz

Goff Painboy

Dok Snippitz - Goff Painboy.......................31 points +wargear

While Ork Painboyz are known for their brutal (and often unnecessary!) surgical procedures, few can compare with the horrible reputation of one Dok Snippitz of the Goff clan. Any ork which fights in the same army he does fears getting shot up or knocked unconscious, lest the ever-eager Dok to immediately begin experimenting on his body. Horrible tales of boyz waking up attached to a body with 4 heads and 3 bionik legs, or coming to to find that their head has been grafted to the body of a gretchin! However, few Warbosses can pass up his offer to fight only for the bodies of the fallen, as he is a cunning and viscous warrior. Because of his... lack of patience, he often experiments n himself, resulting in his many bionik attachments. Perhaps the most fearsome of these is his massive bionic arm, which instead of a hand has a giant pair of scissors, attached to a power generator! Going by the name of "Da Snippa", this malicious attachment is feared just as much by orks as by other races.

4 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 8

Weapons: Da Snippa and bolt pistol, plus frag stikkbombz
Armour: Flak Armour(+5/+6)
Wargear: the Dok may have one wargear card, which is always Da Snippa

Special Rules
Scarey Git: Because of his horrible reputation, all Orks within 12" of the Dok suffer a -1 leadership. He also may never lead a mob, except for his Medik mob.
Medik Mob: the Dok is frequently accompanied by a team of gretchin Mediks, who are just as far gone as he is! Thus they are not affected by the -1 leadership. They have autopistols and knives, and wear flak armour. He may lead up to ten of these for 6 points a model. These gretchin, because they have definitely been operated on in some way, gain +1 toughness, and -1 initiative.
Psyko: If the Dok defeats any model in hand to hand combat, and kills them, then he must take a leadership test, or he will spend the remainder of that phase hacking and slashing at the dead body, simply because he likes it!

Da Snippa +20 points.
Da Snippa is a huge pair of scissors, larger than a power fist that are hooked up to a power generator. They replace Snippitz' right hand. They are massive things, capable of cleaving a man's head clean off! It uses the Dok's strength, with a +3 bonus (making it a -4 modifier). If a wound is caused, and the armour is penetrated, roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the Dok has succeeded is snipping his enemy's head clear off, and that model is dead regardless of wounds.

This character was submitted by Mike Feeman (Farseer Mike).

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