GRUESOME TALISMANS = 5pts Many Dark Eldar wear talismans such as fingers, ears or eyes they've taken from their opponants they have slain. Models with this gain a +1 bonus to combat results.
HELLION SKYBOARD = 20pts Used to to make swift attacks a Skyboard gives the user a swift 24" movement and charge distance. All shots at the rider are at -3 to hit. Rider gains +1 to armour save.
HELL MASK = 15pts These are terrifying masks which when worn causes TERROR. 1 PER ARMY
PUNISHER = 30pts The Punisher is a nasty weapon forged from the bowels of the Crone Worlds which give the user a +2 to his strengh.
SHADOW FIELD = 35pts Surrounding the user in a dark miasma of energy, a shadow field absorbs the energy of shots hitting it. However it can overload. Unmodified SAVE of 2+ including H2H however on a roll of a 1 it overloads and cannot be used again.
SOUL SEEKER AMMO = 15pts The Dark Eldar use captured Wraithbone looted from the bodies of slain Eldar Wraithguard to form this special form of ammunition. A user may reroll failed hits when fireing a Splinter Rifle, Cannon, Pistol, Tormentor Helm or a Hellglaive.
TORMENTOR HELM = 10pts The Tormentor Helm incorporates a neurally activated Splinter Pistol that can be fired on thought alone. He may fire this as well as other weapons held however he only gets +1 to hit at close range.
TROPHY RACKS = 15pts Many Dark Eldar take battle bearing trophy racks adorned with the decaying heads of foes they have slain and bodies they have tortured. This gruesome sight gives all Dark Eldar within 12" of it a Ld of 10 which can be re-rolled once if failed (second result must be applied). 1 PER ARMY
WEBWAY PORTAL = 50pts This a mobile form of a portal carried by Dark Eldar link together places and to make a quick escape if need be. To use it place a relevant marker within 2" of the operating model and another upto 24" from this one. The Portal widens and allows Jetbikes and Raiders etc through, however Deamon rules on possessing living models still apply. Also enemy units may move through. It may be deactivated at any time and can be activated once again at any time if you roll a 2- 6 on a D6 if you roll a 1 its power has drained and cannot be used again for the battle. 1 PER ARMY