During the time of the False Master Jarek, many Assassins turned against the true leaders of the Officio Assassinorum and the Imperium. When Jarek was killed many of these fled into the Eye of Terror, and they strike at the leaders of the Imperium relentlessly, waging a never-ending war of assassination from their hiding places in the Eye of Terror.
0-1 Traitor Assassin.............................225 points
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld |
6 | 8 | 8 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 4 | 10 |
Weapons: Needle Rifle, Needle Pistol, Power Sword, Melta Bombs
Cameleoline, Combat Drugs, C'tan Phase Knife
Special Rules:
Assassin. The Traitor Assassin is trained in the ancient
arts of death as taught to all Assassins regardless of their
temple. The special rules for Psychology, Leadership, Gas
Weapons, Dodge, Vision and Infiltration.
C'TAN PHASE KNIFE. The phase knife is similar to the C'tan phase sword used by Callidus Assassins. The blade of the knife can phase in and out of real-space by molecular realignment, so it is capable of bypassing armour and protective fields. A model wounded by the knife does not receive an armour save, even for energy fields.
Short Range |
Long Range |
Short Range |
Long Range |
Strength | Damage | Save Modifier |
Armour Penetration |
Special |
Close | combat | only | - | As user | 1 | No save | 2D6+5 | see rules |