Amrech [Eldar: Vaul's Chosen]

Submitted by Kestrel

Amrech is a relatively new Exarch to the Dire Avenger Shrine on the Alaitoc Craftworld. Initially following the path of the Dire Avenger, he realized his aptitude for technology when following the Bone Singer path. Intimately understanding the workings of the Eldar technology and construction, he was able to critically analyze ancient artifacts and the mysteries they held. It was he who developed the methods used to replicate the ancient Firepike and Lasblaster, albeit at high cost.

The event that caused a permanent change in his personality happened while he was working on an experimental telepathic amplifier. The device was supposed to connect two minds in absolute union, but what was not known was that it also created a mental connection into the warp. Whoever used it was able to see into warp, but not be in it. The horrors of the warp were quickly alerted to the bright beacon of an Eldar conscience within the warp, and tried to devour it. The daemons were not able to possess this mind as there was no physical being, only an intangible conscience, so they sought to drive it into madness. Unable to sever the connection himself, Amrech was subjected to the terrible taunts of daemons not able to satisfy their hunger. Eventually the amplifier overheated and malfunctioned, severing the heinous link. The experience left Amrech fighting for his sanity. Vowing to Vaul never to dabble with such devices again, he decided to accept the mantle of an Exarch and focus his expertise on the weapons of war. He was irrevocably changed, and essentially not the same person.

The weapons of choice amongst the the Dire Avenger Exarchs is not as strict as other Shines and so allowed Amrech to experiment with much of the current technology used by the Eldar. He now uses his own modified versions of the Shuriken Pistol and Power Glove. The wargear is exclusive to Amrech as he is the only Exarch who has trained extensively with them.
5 6 6 4 4 2 8 2 10

Armour: Exarch Armour (3+ Save)

Warrior Powers: Fast Shot, Battle Fortunes

Special Wargear: Amrech is an Exarch Character and is allowed 2 Wargear cards. These will always be the Accelerated Shuriken Pistol, and Deflector Gauntlet.

Accelerated Shuriken Pistol - 5pts
Essentially a Shuriken Pistol with an additional power source accelerating the magnetic rail-action chamber, the device fires standard projectiles with a greater range than a standard Shuriken Pistol. The compact form of the Pistol still restricts the rate of fire, but enables the user to use it in close combat without penalty.
Range To Hit Save Armour
Short | Long Short | Long Str Dam Mod Pene Special
0-12 |12-24 +2 | - 4 1 -2 d6+6 close combat

Deflector Gauntlet - 10pts
The energy field in a standard Power Glove has been replaced with a small but very reliable power field. The effectiveness of the glove has been greatly reduced, but the user is able to parry a single close combat attack. In addition, the user may fire a pulse from the gauntlet that literally punches a model 3" directly away from the user, much like the force field used on the Wave Serpent Grav-tank. The pulse may be used in the Shooting Phase like a normal ranged weapon, or in the HtH Phase to knock an opponent back. Roll against BS as normal. No additional damage is done, butt he gauntlet must recharge for one complete turn, in which case the user may not parry.
Range To Hit Save Armour
Short | Long Short | Long Str Dam Mod Pene Special
close combat only 6 1 -3 d6+d12+6 parry, pulse

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