The Sons of Darkness originally were marines of the Night Lords chapter, and followed
their Primach Night Haunter blindly. Night Haunter belonged to Horus and followed him
deeper and deeper down toward the abyss. This fall toward Chaos happened gradually so most
of the Night Lords were never aware of the change they went through. It was only chaplain
Angst who had the mental strength to realize what they were doing.
This deviation away from worshiping the Emperor, in favor for a new unknown power, became
more and more evident for him and he decided that something must be done before all hope
was gone. A confrontation with Night Haunter was not an option, the primarch was simply to
powerful. No, Angst decided for a more subtle way, he would try to awaken as many of his
brothers as possible from this hypnosis of damnation and guide them back to the true faith
This could not be done in the open so he created an inner sphere which he lead. In the
beginning the deliverance went quite well, but as time went by, the corrupted brothers
sank deeper and deeper into damnation.
This spare-time occupation of Angst had not gone by unnoticed. Higher ranked chaplains
started to wonder what the hell he was doing. When they discovered what his teachings were
accomplishing, a fight broke out between the loyalists and the traitors. With the support
of both Night Haunter and Horus, the loyalist marines were extremely outgunned and
outmanned. So, instead of fighting to the last man, Angst and his men decided to flee and
try to warn the Emperor what Horus' intentions were.
However, as their ship travelled through warpspace, a sudden warpstorm forced them to seek
refuge in realspace again. The storm had thrown them completly off course and they were
completely lost, they didnt dare to use warpspace again in fear of being thrown even
further away by a new storm. They had no way of warning the Emperor now.
They drifted in space for many years like outlaw warriors fighting everything they
considered to be the enemies of the Emperor. They didnt know that the Heresy had ended and
in the climactic battle, the Emperor had been mortally wounded by Horus.
Upon returning to Imperial space, it had become obvious that the remaining Sons of
Darkness, as they were now called, had mutated under Horus' influense. Most of the marines
were extremly pale and they all had a problem controlling themselves in battle. Their
behavior was much like addiction, and only killing the enemy in close combat would appease
their hunger, the hunger for blood.
Their developed need for blood was real. The 'haemastamen' organ had mutated so they could
no longer produce their own supply of blood. It has very often become a sight that when a
marine has slain his enemy he tears out the poor victim's heart and eats it.
Many occult and frightening ceremonies had also been established under Horus' influence.
In their forced exile, Angst had decided to ban all but one of them. The exeption was the
annual Bloodfeast, where the youngest true marine (i.e not scout) is sacrified to the
Emperor's honor. They believed this would cleanse their souls, and consciences, from their
unholy bloodthirst. The blood is mixed with a liquor (much like a red wine) and shared
between the battle brothers. The drinking vessel was fashioned out of the dead's silver
encased skull.
Their faith was strong, but they knew that when the Inqusiton reached them they would
receive their punichment for their participation in the heresy and they would gladly
receive it.
Of course, they havent received forgiveness for their heresy yet. But the Imperium decided
not to execute them if they agreed to constantly ( with only short breaks for new recruits
allowed) crusade against all the powers of chaos. They agreed...
The chapter is based on a large battlestation which is unusually mobile. It can move
between different starsystems rather quickly. Their usual tactic is to stay in a
starsystem which borders on the Eye of Terror. This has resulted in numerous encounters
with the Eldar, especially those of the craftworld Ulthwe. In the early parts of this
private crusade, the Sons of Darkness and the Eldar of these craftworld did battle often.
Soon they discovered that their differences were nothing compared to the common enemy of
Chaos. They often ally with each other to fight chaos.
Recruitments are made from several hive-worlds, where only the lower classes are accepted
as aspirants. The chapter does not have a home planet to draft aspirants from. Instead
they take their opportunities as they present themselves. The Sons of Darkness use the
Codex Astartes as a frame. However, they feel unworthy of its honorand have forced
themselves to adopt it to their own way of life.
Codex markings and honours are used very sparingly, a sign
that they still don't deserve them. Those who have received any sort of Imperial honour
have done so with the performance of extremely heroic deeds.
Their Terminator armour still shows marks from the time when they were allied with Horus,
while their long exile has caused their power armour to range from Mk.5 to Mk.7 variants.
Horus had told Night Haunter that every available psyker was needed for this Crusade and
the threat from chaos was an exaggeration. This resulted in most of the new librarians
(and many of the older ones, as well) becoming easily corrupted.
Angst was luckily able to awaken some of the older psykers before they were lost forever
in a Chaotic stupor. While Angst tried to gather more strength, these experienced psykers
were forced to hide their true nature from the corrupted brother-psykers. Only the
strongest survived the Battle of Liberation.
In warpspace, these powerful battle-psykers felt a sudden power surge. For a moment they
thought this only was a bad omen, but soon it became apparent just how much influence
Horus had with the Chaos Powers. The warpstorm came over them...
The Sons of Darkness train their psykers in their own way, and only those who have been
found strong and powerful are allowed to join their private crusade against chaos. The
rest must wait until they get stronger or stay forever on the battlestation, nursing the
shrine and cleansing their souls.
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 |
Wargear: Flamer and Chainsword.
Armour: Scout armour
Cursed Novice
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 |
Wargear: Power sword and chain sword.
Armour: Scout armour.
Options: You may uppgrade the sergeant to a veteran seregant - normal rules apply.
The squad may also opt to take shootguns in aditions to normal equipment. At normal cost.
You dont have to upgrade the whole squad.
These are not true marines therefore does the special Marine rules not apply for them.
Except for the Sgt. who is a true marine.
They can have a Dispersed formation and use the Infiltration rule.
Chaplain Commander Jilosasin___________________150 pts + wargear cards.
Personal history of Jilosasin:
He once belonged to the cursed doom squad. But he never suffered from the pain, nay he
rather enjoyed it. It made him feel alive - as he usualy says. His pain was not one of the
severest, but it was strong enough. He survived many battles in the doom squad. His
mutation began to stabilize and the pain to ease a little. The medics and chaplains
noticed the change and he was taken out of the doom squad.
He was reintrodused into a specially adjusted marine training - soon becoming a true
marine, although a very mutated and devoted marine. He was put in a assault squad were his
natural gift for close combat helped him to be promoted to sergeant very rapidly.
His devotion was noticed by the chaplains, and after 50 years of combat he was given the
chance to enter the holy academy "Revelation". This of course was a great honor
for him. Now he entered the secret shrine and started to learn about the whole and true
history of the chapter. The perils and the differences of the four Chaos powers was
unveild. He was a hard-working student and after many years he finaly was allowed to fight
the foul and tainted ones again. Now wearing his new black power armour. He fought in
countless shirmishes with the tainted ones. He was the one leading the rescue expedition
into the Eye of Terror, where an Eldar space cruiser had been sucked in to it. His heroic
deeds were many, and he advanced upwards in the Chapter hierarchy. He finaly reached the
position of Chaplain Commander, subordinated only to the Grand Commander himself.
With his respectable age of 763 he is known to be one of the the now oldest living
marines. And he is only in his middle-age...
His high age is due to the mutation Vampire which makes him age very slowly, even compared
to the marines.
Chaplain Commander Jilosasin
M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | LD |
4 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 7 | 3 | 10 |
Armour: Power armour (3+) and Rosarius (4+ unmodified save)
Weapons: Crozium Arcanum, bolt pistol, chain sword, frag and krack grenades.
Wargear: Jump pack. He can have 2 wargear crads of free chose.
He have a strategy rating of 5.
He is subject to all normal Marine rules and all special Sons of Darkness rules: Rapid
fire, Bloodthirst, Blood Rage, Hatred and Fearless( - chaos - ).
In addition to those rules are these Three personal rules: He automatically pass all Ld
based tests. And he have these mutations - Vampire and Regenation.
The mutant's metabolism changes so that it can no longer survive without a regular intake
of warm, fresh blood. The mutant's apperance gradually becomes pale and its temperature
drops to a sepulchral chill.
At the start of your turn roll a D6: on a result of 4, 5 or 6 the mutant must expend a blood
point or remain immobile, unable of carry out any actions for the reminder of the
turn. If the mutant is attacked while immobile it must expend a blood point or it is
unable to defend itself. Should the mutant be reduced to zero blood points (through such
forced activity) it dies, just as surely as if it had been reduced to zero wounds.
The mutant regains one blood point for each wound that it inflicts on an opponent in H2H
combat. Wounds inflicted with ranged weapons do not allow the mutant to regain any blood
points. In a four turn battle he start with 2 blood points. He have no limit upwards.
If he have won a H2H he can at any point (in your own turn) opt to spend one blood point
to start the regenation power. The power will only work if he previously in the game have
delivered one wound to an enemy in H2H and if he rolls a 4, 5 or 6 on a D6. Each blood
point spent regenates one wound. He can even try to regenate if he have reached 0 Wounds,
to start the regenation when on 0 Wounds he must first roll a 6 on a D6.
All Marines of Sons of Darkness who is within 8" of him will pass all Ld based tests.
In addition all Sons who can see him may reroll a failed Ld test (the squad leader must
face him if they shall count as seeing him).
Copyright 1995 09 01 Patrik Jansson (Solitaire).